Martin Hirzer
Martin Hirzer
Postdoctoral Researcher, Graz University of Technology
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Cited by
Large scale metric learning from equivalence constraints
M Koestinger, M Hirzer, P Wohlhart, PM Roth, H Bischof
2012 IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2288-2295, 2012
Person re-identification by descriptive and discriminative classification
M Hirzer, C Beleznai, PM Roth, H Bischof
Image Analysis: 17th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2011, Ystad, Sweden, May …, 2011
Relaxed pairwise learned metric for person re-identification
M Hirzer, PM Roth, M Köstinger, H Bischof
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012: 12th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2012
Mahalanobis distance learning for person re-identification
PM Roth, M Hirzer, M Köstinger, C Beleznai, H Bischof
Person re-identification, 247-267, 2014
Saliency driven total variation segmentation
M Donoser, M Urschler, M Hirzer, H Bischof
2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, 817-824, 2009
Person re-identification by efficient impostor-based metric learning
M Hirzer, PM Roth, H Bischof
2012 IEEE ninth international conference on advanced video and signal-based …, 2012
Marker detection for augmented reality applications
M Hirzer
Technical Report, 2008
Pose determination with semantic segmentation
M Hirzer, PM Roth, C Arth, V Lepetit
US Patent 10,546,387, 2020
Learning to align semantic segmentation and 2.5 d maps for geolocalization
A Armagan, M Hirzer, PM Roth, V Lepetit
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2017
Smart hypothesis generation for efficient and robust room layout estimation
M Hirzer, V Lepetit, P ROTH
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF winter conference on applications of computer …, 2020
Dense appearance modeling and efficient learning of camera transitions for person re-identification
M Hirzer, C Beleznai, M Köstinger, PM Roth, H Bischof
2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1617-1620, 2012
Accurate Camera Registration in Urban Environments Using High-Level Feature Matching.
A Armagan, M Hirzer, PM Roth, V Lepetit
BMVC, 2017
Semantic segmentation for 3D localization in urban environments
A Armagan, M Hirzer, V Lepetit
2017 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), 1-4, 2017
Multi-cue learning and visualization of unusual events
R Schuster, S Schulter, G Poier, M Hirzer, J Birchbauer, PM Roth, ...
2011 IEEE international conference on computer vision workshops (ICCV …, 2011
Efficient 3D Tracking in Urban Environments with Semantic Segmentation.
M Hirzer, PM Roth, V Lepetit
BMVC, 2017
An automatic hybrid segmentation approach for aligned face portrait images
M Hirzer, M Urschler, H Bischof, JA Birchbauer, SB Center
Proceedings of the workshop of the Austrian association for pattern …, 2009
Pedestrian Detection, Tracking and Re-Identification for Search in Visual Surveillance Data
C Beleznai, M Rauter, M Hirzer, PM Roth
Proceedings of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern …, 2013
Pose determination with semantic segmentation
M Hirzer, PM Roth, C Arth, V Lepetit
3D Localization in Urban Environments from Single Images
A Armagan, M Hirzer, PM Roth, V Lepetit
OAGM/AAPR ARW 2017: Joint Workshop on “Vision, Automation & Robotics”, 2017
Multiple Model Fitting by Evolutionary Dynamics
M Donoser, M Hirzer, D Schmalstieg
2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3816-3821, 2014
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Articles 1–20