Helmuth Hoffmann
Helmuth Hoffmann
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Polymers at interfaces: using atom transfer radical polymerization in the controlled growth of homopolymers and block copolymers from silicon surfaces in the absence of …
K Matyjaszewski, PJ Miller, N Shukla, B Immaraporn, A Gelman, ...
Macromolecules 32 (26), 8716-8724, 1999
Handbook of vibrational spectroscopy
RK Dukor, JM Chalmers, PR Griffiths
Vibrational Spectroscopy in the Detection of Cancer 5, 2001
Click chemistry on surfaces: 1, 3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions of azide-terminated monolayers on silica
T Lummerstorfer, H Hoffmann
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (13), 3963-3966, 2004
Formation of self-assembled octadecylsiloxane monolayers on mica and silicon surfaces studied by atomic force microscopy and infrared spectroscopy
T Vallant, H Brunner, U Mayer, H Hoffmann, T Leitner, R Resch, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 (37), 7190-7197, 1998
Investigation of the formation and structure of self-assembled alkylsiloxane monolayers on silicon using in situ attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy
T Vallant, J Kattner, H Brunner, U Mayer, H Hoffmann
Langmuir 15 (16), 5339-5346, 1999
Structure of alkylsiloxane monolayers on silicon surfaces investigated by external reflection infrared spectroscopy
H Hoffmann, U Mayer, A Krischanitz
Langmuir 11 (4), 1304-1312, 1995
Trisiloxane surfactants: surface/interfacial tension dynamics and spreading on hydrophobic surfaces
T Svitova, H Hoffmann, RM Hill
Langmuir 12 (7), 1712-1721, 1996
Detection of chemisorbed methyl and methylene groups: surface chemistry of methyl iodide on platinum (111)
F Zaera, H Hoffmann
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 95 (16), 6297-6303, 1991
Real Time-NIR/MIR-Photorheology: A Versatile Tool for the in Situ Characterization of Photopolymerization Reactions
C Gorsche, R Harikrishna, S Baudis, P Knaack, B Husar, J Laeuger, ...
Analytical chemistry 89 (9), 4958-4968, 2017
External reflection infrared spectroscopy of anisotropic adsorbate layers on dielectric substrates
H Brunner, U Mayer, H Hoffmann
Applied spectroscopy 51 (2), 209-217, 1997
The formulator's guide to anti-oxygen inhibition additives
B Husár, SC Ligon, H Wutzel, H Hoffmann, R Liska
Progress in Organic Coatings 77 (11), 1789-1798, 2014
A RAIRS study on the surface chemistry of ethyl iodide on Pt (111)
H Hoffmann, PR Griffiths, F Zaera
Surface science 262 (1-2), 141-150, 1992
Substrate effects on the formation of alkylsiloxane monolayers
H Brunner, T Vallant, U Mayer, H Hoffmann, B Basnar, M Vallant, ...
Langmuir 15 (6), 1899-1901, 1999
Discovery of a tilted form of benzene chemisorbed on Pd (111): As NEXAFS and photoemission investigation
H Hoffmann, F Zaera, RM Ormerod, RM Lambert, LP Wang, WT Tysoe
Surface science 232 (3), 259-265, 1990
A near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure and photoelectron spectroscopic study of the structure of acetylene on Pd (111) at low temperature
H Hoffmann, F Zaera, RM Ormerod, RM Lambert, JM Yao, DK Saldin, ...
Surface science 268 (1-3), 1-10, 1992
Stepwise Growth of Ultrathin SiOx Films on Si(100) Surfaces through Sequential Adsorption/Oxidation Cycles of Alkylsiloxane Monolayers
H Brunner, T Vallant, U Mayer, H Hoffmann
Langmuir 12 (20), 4614-4617, 1996
Determination of molecular chemisorption geometries using reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy: alkyl halides on Pt (111)
F Zaera, H Hoffmann, PR Griffiths
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 54, 705-715, 1990
Room-temperature chemistry of acetylene on Pd (111): formation of vinylidene
RM Ormerod, RM Lambert, H Hoffmann, F Zaera, LP Wang, DW Bennett, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 98 (8), 2134-2138, 1994
NEXAFS identification of a catalytic reaction intermediate: C4H4 on Pd (111)
RM Ormerod, RM Lambert, H Hoffmann, F Zaera, JM Yao, DK Saldin, ...
Surface science 295 (3), 277-286, 1993
In situ and ex situ AFM investigation of the formation of octadecylsiloxane monolayers
R Resch, M Grasserbauer, G Friedbacher, T Vallant, H Brunner, U Mayer, ...
Applied surface science 140 (1-2), 168-175, 1999
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