Ina Schieferdecker
Ina Schieferdecker
Other namesIna Kathrin Schieferdecker
TU Berlin
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Model-driven testing: Using the UML testing profile
P Baker, ZR Dai, J Grabowski, I Schieferdecker, C Williams
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
An introduction to the testing and test control notation (TTCN-3)
J Grabowski, D Hogrefe, G Réthy, I Schieferdecker, A Wiles, C Willcock
Computer Networks 42 (3), 375-403, 2003
Model-based testing for embedded systems
J Zander, I Schieferdecker, PJ Mosterman
CRC press, 2017
Model-based testing.
I Schieferdecker, A Hoffmann
IEEE software 29 (1), 14-18, 2012
A taxonomy of risk-based testing
M Felderer, I Schieferdecker
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 16, 559-568, 2014
Model-based security testing
I Schieferdecker, J Grossmann, M Schneider
arXiv preprint arXiv:1202.6118, 2012
Applying the ISO 9126 quality model to test specifications–exemplified for TTCN-3 test specifications
B Zeiss, D Vega, I Schieferdecker, H Neukirchen, J Grabowski
Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V., 2007
From U2TP models to executable tests with TTCN-3-an approach to model driven testing
J Zander, ZR Dai, I Schieferdecker, G Din
Testing of Communicating Systems: 17th IFIP TC6/WG 6.1 International …, 2005
The UML 2.0 testing profile and its relation to TTCN-3
I Schieferdecker, ZR Dai, J Grabowski, A Rennoch
Testing of Communicating Systems: 15th IFIP International Conference …, 2003
Technological sovereignty as ability, not autarky
C March, I Schieferdecker
International Studies Review 25 (2), viad012, 2023
Test architectures for distributed systems—state of the art and beyond
T Walter, I Schieferdecker, J Grabowski
Testing of Communicating Systems: Proceedings of the IFIP TC6 11th …, 1998
Sustainable and reliable information and communication technology for resilient smart cities
N Tcholtchev, I Schieferdecker
Smart Cities 4 (1), 156-176, 2021
PerfTTCN, a TTCN language extension for performance testing
I Schieferdecker, B Stepien, A Rennoch
Testing of Communicating Systems: IFIP TC6 10th International Workshop on …, 1997
Applying model checking to generate model-based integration tests from choreography models
S Wieczorek, V Kozyura, A Roth, M Leuschel, J Bendisposto, D Plagge, ...
International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Software Testing, 179-194, 2009
Data governance and sovereignty in urban data spaces based on standardized ICT reference architectures
S Cuno, L Bruns, N Tcholtchev, P Lämmel, I Schieferdecker
Data 4 (1), 16, 2019
Automated testing of XML/SOAP based web services
I Schieferdecker, B Stepien
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) 13. ITG/GI-Fachtagung …, 2003
Realizing distributed TTCN-3 test systems with TCI
I Schieferdecker, T Vassiliou-Gioles
Testing of Communicating Systems: 15th IFIP International Conference …, 2003
A meta-model for TTCN-3
I Schieferdecker, G Din
International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed …, 2004
Automated java gui modeling for model-based testing purposes
P Aho, N Menz, T Räty, I Schieferdecker
2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New …, 2011
A TTCN-3 based online test and validation platform for Internet services
PH Deussen, G Din, I Schieferdecker
The Sixth International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, 2003 …, 2003
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Articles 1–20