Ignacio Alvarez
Ignacio Alvarez
Intel Corporation, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
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Autonomous vehicle system
H Moustafa, DD Salvi, S Jaber, D Iyer, MK Hazrati, P Agrawal, ...
US Patent App. 17/434,710, 2022
Bayesian inference for a covariance matrix
I Alvarez, J Niemi, M Simpson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.4050, 2014
Human–vehicle cooperation in automated driving: A multidisciplinary review and appraisal
F Biondi, I Alvarez, KA Jeong
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 35 (11), 932-946, 2019
Evaluating the ergonomics of BCI devices for research and experimentation
JI Ekandem, TA Davis, I Alvarez, MT James, JE Gilbert
Ergonomics 55 (5), 592-598, 2012
Trusted vehicle telematics using blockchain data analytics
I Alvarez, M Bowman
US Patent 10,284,654, 2019
Towards standardization of AV safety: C++ library for responsibility sensitive safety
B Gassmann, F Oboril, C Buerkle, S Liu, S Yan, MS Elli, I Alvarez, ...
2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2265-2271, 2019
Autonomous vehicle system
H Moustafa, S Jaber, D Iyer, MK Hazrati, P Agrawal, N Aerrabotu, ...
US Patent App. 17/434,713, 2022
Emotional adaptive driving policies for automated driving vehicles
J Healey, VP Rivera, I Alvarez
US Patent 11,086,317, 2021
Driver in the loop: Best practices in automotive sensing and feedback mechanisms
A Riener, M Jeon, I Alvarez, AK Frison
Automotive user interfaces: creating interactive experiences in the car, 295-323, 2017
A highly standardized and characterized human platelet lysate for efficient and reproducible expansion of human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells
S Viau, A Lagrange, L Chabrand, J Lorant, M Charrier, K Rouger, ...
Cytotherapy 21 (7), 738-754, 2019
Skyline: a rapid prototyping driving simulator for user experience
I Alvarez, L Rumbel, R Adams
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2015
Crowdsourced detection, identification and sharing of hazardous road objects in HD maps
SMI Alam, DIG Aguirre, S Sharma, K Sivanesan, I Alvarez
US Patent 11,113,959, 2021
Methods and apparatus to update autonomous vehicle perspectives
S Baghsorkhi, J Gottschlich, A Heinecke, MMU Alam, S Zhou, S Sharma, ...
US Patent 11,520,331, 2022
Emotional GaRage: A workshop on in-car emotion recognition and regulation
E Bosch, M Oehl, M Jeon, I Alvarez, J Healey, W Ju, C Jallais
Adjunct proceedings of the 10th international conference on automotive user …, 2018
Systems, methods, and devices for driving control
D Dasalukunte, R Dorrance, I Alvarez, MS Elli, S Sharma, JHA Satish, ...
US Patent 11,597,393, 2023
System and method for acceleration-based vector field maps
JF Leon, IJ Alvarez, MS Elli, DIG Aguirre, J Turek
US Patent 11,536,574, 2022
Automotive user interfaces in the age of automation (Dagstuhl Seminar 16262)
A Riener, S Boll, AL Kun
Schloss-Dagstuhl-Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik, 2016
Rogue vehicle detection and avoidance
I Alvarez, VP Rivera, D Lake, DA Ilitzky, RDLG Gonzalez, P Mead
US Patent 10,902,726, 2021
Object-level perception sharing among connected vehicles
M Ambrosin, IJ Alvarez, C Buerkle, LL Yang, F Oboril, MR Sastry, ...
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 1566-1573, 2019
Designing driver-centric natural voice user interfaces
I Alvarez, A Martin, J Dunbar, J Taiber, DM Wilson, JE Gilbert
Adjunct Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Automotive User …, 2011
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