David Schoppik
David Schoppik
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology, Neuroscience & Physiology, and the Neuroscience Institute, NYU
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Whole-brain activity mapping onto a zebrafish brain atlas
O Randlett, CL Wee, EA Naumann, O Nnaemeka, D Schoppik, ...
Nature methods 12 (11), 1039-1046, 2015
Zebrabow: multispectral cell labeling for cell tracing and lineage analysis in zebrafish
YA Pan, T Freundlich, TA Weissman, D Schoppik, XC Wang, ...
Development 140 (13), 2835-2846, 2013
Optical control of metabotropic glutamate receptors
J Levitz, C Pantoja, B Gaub, H Janovjak, A Reiner, A Hoagland, ...
Nature neuroscience 16 (4), 507-516, 2013
The tangential nucleus controls a gravito-inertial vestibulo-ocular reflex
IH *Bianco, LH *Ma, D *Schoppik, DN Robson, MB Orger, JC Beck, JM Li, ...
Current Biology 22 (14), 1285-1295, 2012
Expansion microscopy of zebrafish for neuroscience and developmental biology studies
L Freifeld, I Odstrcil, D Förster, A Ramirez, JA Gagnon, O Randlett, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (50), E10799-E10808, 2017
A convergent and essential interneuron pathway for Mauthner-cell-mediated escapes
AMB Lacoste, D Schoppik, DN Robson, M Haesemeyer, R Portugues, ...
Current Biology 25 (11), 1526-1534, 2015
The ancient origins of neural substrates for land walking
H Jung, M Baek, KP D’Elia, C Boisvert, PD Currie, BH Tay, B Venkatesh, ...
Cell 172 (4), 667-682. e15, 2018
Neuropeptidergic signaling partitions arousal behaviors in zebrafish
IG Woods, D Schoppik, VJ Shi, S Zimmerman, HA Coleman, J Greenwood, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (9), 3142-3160, 2014
Encoding of wind direction by central neurons in Drosophila
MP Suver, AMM Matheson, S Sarkar, M Damiata, D Schoppik, KI Nagel
Neuron 102 (4), 828-842. e7, 2019
Control of movement initiation underlies the development of balance
DE Ehrlich, D Schoppik
Current Biology 27 (3), 334-344, 2017
Cortical mechanisms of smooth eye movements revealed by dynamic covariations of neural and behavioral responses
D Schoppik, KI Nagel, SG Lisberger
Neuron 58 (2), 248-260, 2008
Development of vestibular behaviors in zebrafish
MW Bagnall, D Schoppik
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 53, 83-89, 2018
A primal role for the vestibular sense in the development of coordinated locomotion
DE Ehrlich, D Schoppik
Elife 8, e45839, 2019
Gaze-stabilizing central vestibular neurons project asymmetrically to extraocular motoneuron pools
D Schoppik, IH Bianco, DA Prober, AD Douglass, DN Robson, JMB Li, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (47), 11353-11365, 2017
Extraocular motoneuron pools develop along a dorsoventral axis in zebrafish, Danio rerio
MR Greaney, AE Privorotskiy, KP D'Elia, D Schoppik
Journal of Comparative Neurology 525 (1), 65-78, 2017
Saccades exert spatial control of motion processing for smooth pursuit eye movements
D Schoppik, SG Lisberger
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (29), 7607-7618, 2006
Zebrafish dscaml1 deficiency impairs retinal patterning and oculomotor function
M Ma, AD Ramirez, T Wang, RL Roberts, KE Harmon, D Schoppik, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (1), 143-158, 2020
Otolith size and the vestibulo-ocular reflex of larvae of white seabass Atractoscion nobilis at high pCO2
SG Shen, F Chen, DE Schoppik, DM Checkley Jr
Marine Ecology Progress Series 553, 173-183, 2016
Determinants of motor neuron functional subtypes important for locomotor speed
KP D’Elia, H Hameedy, D Goldblatt, P Frazel, M Kriese, Y Zhu, ...
Cell reports 42 (9), 2023
Synaptic encoding of vestibular sensation regulates movement timing and coordination
KR Hamling, K Harmon, M Greaney, Z Dobler, Y Kimura, S Higashijima, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.07. 05.451142, 2021
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