Ram Vinay Pandey
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Cited by
PoPoolation2: identifying differentiation between populations using sequencing of pooled DNA samples (Pool-Seq)
R Kofler, RV Pandey, C Schlötterer
Bioinformatics 27 (24), 3435-3436, 2011
PoPoolation: a toolbox for population genetic analysis of next generation sequencing data from pooled individuals
R Kofler, P Orozco-terWengel, N De Maio, RV Pandey, V Nolte, A Futschik, ...
PloS one 6 (1), e15925, 2011
Diversity in a hidden world: potential and limitation of next‐generation sequencing for surveys of molecular diversity of eukaryotic microorganisms
R Medinger, V Nolte, RV Pandey, S Jost, B Ottenwälder, C Schlötterer, ...
Molecular ecology 19, 32-40, 2010
Contrasting seasonal niche separation between rare and abundant taxa conceals the extent of protist diversity
V Nolte, RV Pandey, S Jost, R Medinger, B Ottenwaelder, J Boenigk, ...
Molecular ecology 19 (14), 2908-2915, 2010
Novel advances in cytochrome P450 research
D Singh, A Kashyap, RV Pandey, KS Saini
Drug discovery today 16 (17-18), 793-799, 2011
Detecting selective sweeps from pooled next-generation sequencing samples
S Boitard, C Schlötterer, V Nolte, RV Pandey, A Futschik
Molecular biology and evolution 29 (9), 2177-2186, 2012
Genome-wide patterns of natural variation reveal strong selective sweeps and ongoing genomic conflict in Drosophila mauritiana
V Nolte, RV Pandey, R Kofler, C Schlötterer
Genome research 23 (1), 99-110, 2013
Long-term skin-resident memory T cells proliferate in situ and are involved in human graft-versus-host disease
J Strobl, RV Pandey, T Krausgruber, N Bayer, L Kleissl, B Reininger, ...
Science translational medicine 12 (570), eabb7028, 2020
The transcription factor Bcl11b promotes both canonical and adaptive NK cell differentiation
TD Holmes, RV Pandey, EY Helm, H Schlums, H Han, TM Campbell, ...
Science immunology 6 (57), eabc9801, 2021
DistMap: a toolkit for distributed short read mapping on a Hadoop cluster
RV Pandey, C Schlötterer
PloS one 8 (8), e72614, 2013
Human resident memory T cells exit the skin and mediate systemic Th2-driven inflammation
J Strobl, LM Gail, L Kleissl, RV Pandey, V Smejkal, J Huber, V Puxkandl, ...
Journal of Experimental Medicine 218 (11), e20210417, 2021
Allelic imbalance metre (A llim), a new tool for measuring allele‐specific gene expression with RNA‐seq data
RV Pandey, SU Franssen, A Futschik, C Schlötterer
Molecular ecology resources 13 (4), 740-745, 2013
CANGS: a user-friendly utility for processing and analyzing 454 GS-FLX data in biodiversity studies
RV Pandey, V Nolte, C Schlötterer
BMC research notes 3, 1-7, 2010
A discrete subset of epigenetically primed human NK cells mediates antigen-specific immune responses
V Stary, RV Pandey, J Strobl, L Kleissl, P Starlinger, D Pereyra, ...
Science immunology 5 (52), eaba6232, 2020
Experimental evolution reveals habitat‐specific fitness dynamics among Wolbachia clades in Drosophila melanogaster
E Versace, V Nolte, RV Pandey, R Tobler, C Schlötterer
Molecular Ecology 23 (4), 802-814, 2014
ClinQC: a tool for quality control and cleaning of Sanger and NGS data in clinical research
RV Pandey, S Pabinger, A Kriegner, A Weinhäusel
BMC bioinformatics 17, 1-9, 2016
Delayed antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected individuals leads to irreversible depletion of skin-and mucosa-resident memory T cells
S Saluzzo, RV Pandey, LM Gail, R Dingelmaier-Hovorka, L Kleissl, ...
Immunity 54 (12), 2842-2858. e5, 2021
EuSplice: a unified resource for the analysis of splice signals and alternative splicing in eukaryotic genes
A Bhasi, RV Pandey, SP Utharasamy, P Senapathy
Bioinformatics 23 (14), 1815-1823, 2007
Nothing special in the specialist? Draft genome sequence of Cryomyces antarcticus, the most extremophilic fungus from Antarctica
K Sterflinger, K Lopandic, RV Pandey, B Blasi, A Kriegner
PLoS One 9 (10), e109908, 2014
Intra-Specific Regulatory Variation in Drosophila pseudoobscura
A Suvorov, V Nolte, RV Pandey, SU Franssen, A Futschik, C Schlötterer
PLoS One 8 (12), e83547, 2013
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