Martin Ejnar Hansen
Martin Ejnar Hansen
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Estimating policy positions using political texts: An evaluation of the Wordscores approach
R Klemmensen, SB Hobolt, ME Hansen
Electoral Studies 26 (4), 746-755, 2007
Back to the archives? A critique of the Danish part of the manifesto dataset
ME Hansen
Scandinavian Political Studies 31 (2), 201-216, 2008
Computers, coders, and voters: Comparing automated methods for estimating party positions
F Hjorth, R Klemmensen, S Hobolt, ME Hansen, P Kurrild-Klitgaard
Research & Politics 2 (2), 2053168015580476, 2015
The political dynamics of portfolio design in European democracies
U Sieberer, TM Meyer, H Bäck, A Ceron, A Falcó-Gimeno, I Guinaudeau, ...
British Journal of Political Science 51 (2), 772-787, 2021
The contingent nature of local party system nationalisation: The case of Austria 1985–2009
L Ennser-Jedenastik, ME Hansen
Local government studies 39 (6), 777-791, 2013
The behaviour of political parties and MPs in the parliaments of the Weimar Republic
ME Hansen, M Debus
Party Politics 18 (5), 709-726, 2012
The positions of Irish parliamentary parties 1937–2006
ME Hansen
Irish Political Studies 24 (1), 29-44, 2009
Portfolio saliency and ministerial turnover: Dynamics in Scandinavian postwar cabinets
ME Hansen, R Klemmensen, SB Hobolt, H Bäck
Scandinavian Political Studies 36 (3), 227-248, 2013
Committee assignment politics in the Danish Folketing
ME Hansen
Scandinavian Political Studies 33 (4), 381-401, 2010
A random process? Committee assignments in Dáil Éireann
ME Hansen
Irish Political Studies 26 (3), 345-360, 2011
Reconsidering the party distances and dimensionality of the Danish Folketing
M Ejnar Hansen
The Journal of Legislative Studies 14 (3), 264-278, 2008
Does running for the same party imply similar policy preferences? evidence from voting advice applications
ME Hansen, NEK Rasmussen
Representation 49 (2), 189-205, 2013
Distributing chairs and seats in committees: A parliamentary perspective
ME Hansen
Parliamentary Affairs 72 (1), 202-222, 2019
Dimensionality of the Weimar Republic from 1920 to 1932
M Debus, ME Hansen
Politische Vierteljahresschrift 51, 15-42, 2010
The significance of economy in the Russian bi-lateral treaty process
D Dusseault, ME Hansen, S Mikhailov
Communist and Post-Communist Studies 38 (1), 121-130, 2005
Blokpolitik og det" samarbejdende folkestyres" fire gamle partier, 1953-2005
P Kurrild-Klitgaard, ME Hansen, R Klemmensen, S Universitet
Department of Political Science and Public Managements, Faculty of Social …, 2005
Representation of women in the parliament of the Weimar Republic: Evidence from roll call votes
M Debus, ME Hansen
Politics & Gender 10 (3), 341-364, 2014
The parliamentary behaviour of minor parties and independents in Dáil Éireann
ME Hansen
Irish Political Studies 25 (4), 643-660, 2010
Still dividing the electorate? Brexit and voter evaluation of candidates
A Axe-Browne, ME Hansen
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 31 (2), 220-242, 2021
Analysing the Importance of Localness for MP electoral and legislative performance
Y Sällberg, ME Hansen
Taylor & Francis, 2019
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