Josef Weinbub
Josef Weinbub
Silvaco Group, Inc.
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Recent advances in Wigner function approaches
J Weinbub, DK Ferry
Applied Physics Reviews 5 (4), 041104, 2018
ViennaCL - A High Level Linear Algebra Library for GPUs and Multi-Core CPUs
K Rupp, F Rudolf, J Weinbub
International Workshop on GPUs and Scientific Applications (GPUScA), 51-56, 2010
ViennaCL---linear algebra library for multi-and many-core architectures
K Rupp, P Tillet, F Rudolf, J Weinbub, A Morhammer, T Grasser, A Jungel, ...
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (5), S412-S439, 2016
Growth rates of dry thermal oxidation of 4H-silicon carbide
V Šimonka, A Hössinger, J Weinbub, S Selberherr
Journal of Applied Physics 120 (13), 2016
ReaxFF reactive molecular dynamics study of orientation dependence of initial silicon carbide oxidation
V Šimonka, A Hössinger, J Weinbub, S Selberherr
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121 (46), 8791-8798, 2017
A review of quantum transport in field-effect transistors
DK Ferry, J Weinbub, M Nedjalkov, S Selberherr
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2021
Distributed-memory parallelization of the Wigner Monte Carlo method using spatial domain decomposition
P Ellinghaus, J Weinbub, M Nedjalkov, S Selberherr, I Dimov
Journal of Computational Electronics 14 (1), 151--162, 2014
Pipelined Iterative Solvers with Kernel Fusion for Graphics Processing Units
K Rupp, J Weinbub, A Jüngel, T Grasser
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 43 (2), 11:1-11:27, 2016
Electron Interference in a Double‐Dopant Potential Structure
J Weinbub, M Ballicchia, M Nedjalkov
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 12 (7), 1800111, 2018
Using temporary explicit meshes for direct flux calculation on implicit surfaces
P Manstetten, J Weinbub, A Hössinger, S Selberherr
Procedia Computer Science 108, 245-254, 2017
Transient model for electrical activation of aluminium and phosphorus-implanted silicon carbide
V Šimonka, A Toifl, A Hössinger, S Selberherr, J Weinbub
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (23), 2018
Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Devices: Simulation Using Particles
DK Ferry, X Oriols, J Weinbub
IOP Publishing, 2023
The level-set method for multi-material wet etching and non-planar selective epitaxy
A Toifl, M Quell, X Klemenschits, P Manstetten, A Hössinger, S Selberherr, ...
IEEE Access 8, 115406-115422, 2020
A comparison of algebraic multigrid preconditioners using graphics processing units and multi-core central processing units
M Wagner, K Rupp, J Weinbub
High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC), 2012
Wigner equation for general electromagnetic fields: The Weyl-Stratonovich transform
M Nedjalkov, J Weinbub, M Ballicchia, S Selberherr, I Dimov, DK Ferry
Physical Review B 99 (1), 014423, 2019
Electron evolution around a repulsive dopant in a quantum wire: coherence effects
M Ballicchia, J Weinbub, M Nedjalkov
Nanoscale 10 (48), 23037-23049, 2018
Automatic performance optimization in ViennaCL for GPUs
K Rupp, J Weinbub, F Rudolf
Workshop on Parallel/High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing, 1-6, 2010
Analysis of Lense-Governed Wigner Signed Particle Quantum Dynamics
P Ellinghaus, J Weinbub, M Nedjalkov, S Selberherr
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters 11 (7), 1700102-1–1700102-5, 2017
Computational Perspective on Recent Advances in Quantum Electronics: From Electron Quantum Optics to Nanoelectronic Devices and Systems
J Weinbub, R Kosik
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2022
Stochastic analysis of surface roughness models in quantum wires
M Nedjalkov, P Ellinghaus, J Weinbub, T Sadi, A Asenov, I Dimov, ...
Computer Physics Communications 228, 30-37, 2018
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