Gerald Reiner
Gerald Reiner
Professor of Operations Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business
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A drone fleet model for last-mile distribution in disaster relief operations
B Rabta, C Wankmüller, G Reiner
International journal of disaster risk reduction 28, 107-112, 2018
A meta‐analysis of humanitarian logistics research
N Kunz, G Reiner
Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management 2 (2), 116-147, 2012
Research methodologies in supply chain management
H Kotzab, S Seuring, M Müller, G Reiner
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
Investing in disaster management capabilities versus pre-positioning inventory: A new approach to disaster preparedness
N Kunz, G Reiner, S Gold
International Journal of Production Economics 157, 261-272, 2014
Retail store operations and food waste
C Teller, C Holweg, G Reiner, H Kotzab
Journal of Cleaner Production 185, 981-997, 2018
The impact of Industry 4.0 on the reconciliation of dynamic capabilities: Evidence from the European manufacturing industries
A Felsberger, FH Qaiser, A Choudhary, G Reiner
Production Planning & Control 33 (2-3), 277-300, 2022
Customized supply chain design: Problems and alternatives for a production company in the food industry. A simulation based analysis
G Reiner, M Trcka
International Journal of Production Economics 89 (2), 217-229, 2004
Customer-oriented improvement and evaluation of supply chain processes supported by simulation models
G Reiner
International journal of production economics 96 (3), 381-395, 2005
Performance improvement of supply chain processes by coordinated inventory and capacity management
W Jammernegg, G Reiner
International Journal of Production Economics 108 (1-2), 183-190, 2007
Analyzing the efficient execution of in‐store logistics processes in grocery retailing—The case of dairy products
G Reiner, C Teller, H Kotzab
Production and Operations Management 22 (4), 924-939, 2013
Exploring financial sustainability of SMEs during periods of production growth: A simulation study
L Schwab, S Gold, G Reiner
International Journal of Production Economics 212, 8-18, 2019
Additive manufacturing and supply chains–a systematic review
M Kunovjanek, N Knofius, G Reiner
Production Planning & Control 33 (13), 1231-1251, 2022
Sustainable global agrifood supply chains: exploring the barriers
S Gold, N Kunz, G Reiner
Journal of industrial ecology 21 (2), 249-260, 2017
Efficiency analysis of supply chain processes
G Reiner, P Hofmann
International journal of production research 44 (23), 5065-5087, 2006
Coordination, cooperation and collaboration in relief supply chain management
C Wankmüller, G Reiner
Journal of Business Economics 90, 239-276, 2020
Distributed ledger technology applications in food supply chains: A review of challenges and future research directions
J Nurgazina, U Pakdeetrakulwong, T Moser, G Reiner
Sustainability 13 (8), 4206, 2021
Sustainable industry 4.0 in production and operations management: A systematic literature review
A Felsberger, G Reiner
Sustainability 12 (19), 7982, 2020
Unknown knowns and known unknowns: Framing the role of organizational learning in corporate social responsibility development
Z Fortis, F Maon, J Frooman, G Reiner
International Journal of Management Reviews 20 (2), 277-300, 2018
A Review of Decision Support Systems for Manufacturing Systems.
A Felsberger, B Oberegger, G Reiner
SAMI@ iKNOW, 8, 2016
The internationalization process in companies located at the borders of emerging and developed countries
G Reiner, K Demeter, M Poiger, I Jenei
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 28 (10), 918-940, 2008
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