Philipp Nussbaumer Matter
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Cited by
“Enforced” vs.“Casual” Transparency--Findings from IT-Supported Financial Advisory Encounters
P Nussbaumer, I Matter, G Schwabe
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 3 (2), 1-19, 2012
Putting value co-creation into practice: A case for advisory support
S Schmidt-Rauch, P Nussbaumer
Designing for cost transparency in investment advisory service encounters
P Nussbaumer, I Matter, G Reto à Porta, G Schwabe
Business & Information Systems Engineering 4, 347-361, 2012
Why IT is not being used for financial advisory
G Schwabe, P Nussbaumer
University of Zurich, 2009
What you see is what you (can) get? Designing for process transparency in financial advisory encounters
P Nussbaumer, I Matter
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2011: 13th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2011
Beratungsqualität in Banken
R Mogicato, G Schwabe, P Nussbaumer, E Stehli, M Eberhard
Solution Providers AG, Dübendorf, 2009
Understanding information seeking behaviour in financial advisory
PS Nussbaumer, I Slembek, C Lueg, R Mogicato, G Schwabe
University Of Tasmania, 2009
Information search behavior of investors and the role of advisory services
P Nussbaumer, IS Matter, I Slembek, G Schwabe
Putting the CIDOC CRM into practice-experiences and challenges
P Nussbaumer, B Haslhofer
University of Vienna, 2007
CIDOC CRM in action-experiences and challenges
P Nussbaumer, B Haslhofer
Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2007
Essays on transparent IT support for asymmetric client-advisor encounters
P Nussbaumer
Dept. of Informatics, University of Zurich, 2012
Gemeinsam statt einsam: kooperative Bankberatung
P Nussbaumer, G Schwabe
Oldenbourg Verlag, 2010
Towards model implementation guidelines for the CIDOC conceptual reference model
P Nussbaumer, B Haslhofer, W Klas
University of Vienna, 2010
Now you (don’t) see me–Camera use in online course settings
N Leikert-Boehm, P Matter, P Heinrich
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2023
Depreciating the online experience: Relative evaluation of social presence in online, hybrid, and offline course environments
P Matter, N Leikert-Boehm, P Heinrich
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2023
Enhancing the Digital Learning Experience: The Case of the Digital Lab of the Berner Fachhochschule.
P Matter, T Gees, MB Peskova, B Adriaensen, R Riedl, A Koumpis
CSEDU (1), 171-177, 2020
Implementing value stream management: a pathway to operational alignment in value streams
J Harvey, A Wiedemann, P Matter
57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Honolulu …, 2024
Strategic Synergy at Swisscom: Insights from Role Theory on Merging Scaled Agile Frameworks with Enterprise Architecture Management
N Leikert-Boehm, S Bärtschi, A Wiedemann, P Matter
Phantoms of Innovation: Disciplined Simulation for Ex-ante Evaluation in Design Science Research.
P Matter, P Heinrich, K Kurz, G Miscione
ICIS, 2022
Challenges of innovative business models in the cosmetics industry: lessons learned from SJÚ
S Welker, B Sagebiel, P Matter
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, 2021
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Articles 1–20