Derek Bridge
Derek Bridge
Senior Lecturer, University College Cork; Principal Investigator, Insight Centre for Data Analytics
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Retrieval, reuse, revision and retention in case-based reasoning
RL De Mantaras, D McSherry, D Bridge, D Leake, B Smyth, S Craw, ...
The Knowledge Engineering Review 20 (3), 215-240, 2005
Diversity, serendipity, novelty, and coverage: a survey and empirical analysis of beyond-accuracy objectives in recommender systems
M Kaminskas, D Bridge
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) 7 (1), 1-42, 2016
Case-based recommender systems
D Bridge, MH Göker, L McGinty, B Smyth
The Knowledge Engineering Review 20 (3), 315-320, 2005
Collaborative recommending using formal concept analysis
P du Boucher-Ryan, D Bridge
International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of …, 2005
Explanation oriented retrieval
D Doyle, P Cunningham, D Bridge, Y Rahman
Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: 7th European Conference, ECCBR 2004 …, 2004
Measuring surprise in recommender systems
M Kaminskas, D Bridge
Proceedings of the workshop on recommender systems evaluation: dimensions …, 2014
An ant colony optimization meta-heuristic for subset selection problems
C Solnon, D Bridge
System engineering using particle swarm optimization, 3-25, 2006
Towards Conversational Recommender Systems: A Dialogue Grammar Approach.
DG Bridge
ECCBR workshops, 9-22, 2002
Diverse product recommendations using an expressive language for case retrieval
D Bridge, A Ferguson
Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: 6th European Conference, ECCBR 2002 …, 2002
An accurate and scalable collaborative recommender
J Kelleher, D Bridge
Artificial Intelligence Review 21 (3), 193-213, 2004
Ensuring fairness in group recommendations by rank-sensitive balancing of relevance
M Kaya, D Bridge, N Tintarev
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on recommender systems, 101-110, 2020
A case base similarity framework
HR Osborne, DG Bridge
European Workshop on Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, 309-323, 1996
A case-based solution to the cold-start problem in group recommenders
L Quijano-Sánchez, D Bridge, B Díaz-Agudo, JA Recio-García
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 20th International Conference …, 2012
Enhancing the diversity of conversational collaborative recommendations: a comparison
JP Kelly, D Bridge
Artificial Intelligence Review 25, 79-95, 2006
Similarity metrics: A formal unification of cardinal and non-cardinal similarity measures
H Osborne, D Bridge
International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, 235-244, 1997
Using CBR to select solution strategies in constraint programming
C Gebruers, B Hnich, D Bridge, E Freuder
International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, 222-236, 2005
Product recommendation systems: A new direction
D Bridge
Procs. of the Workshop Programme at the Fourth International Conference on …, 2001
Supporting product selection with query editing recommendations
D Bridge, F Ricci
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM conference on Recommender systems, 65-72, 2007
An expressive query language for product recommender systems
D Bridge, A Ferguson
Artificial Intelligence Review 18 (3), 269-307, 2002
Ways of computing diverse collaborative recommendations
D Bridge, JP Kelly
International conference on adaptive hypermedia and adaptive web-based …, 2006
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