Anita Graser
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Sensitivity analysis for energy demand estimation of electric vehicles
J Asamer, A Graser, B Heilmann, M Ruthmair
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 46, 182-199, 2016
Learning QGIS 2.0
A Graser
Packt Publishing Ltd, 2013
GIS and Transport Modeling — Strengthening the Spatial Perspective
M Loidl, G Wallentin, R Cyganski, A Graser, J Scholz, E Haslauer
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 5 (6), 84, 2016
MovingPandas: Efficient Structures for Movement Data in Python
A Graser
GI_Forum ‒ Journal for Geographic Information Science 7 (1), 54-68, 2019
Processing: A python framework for the seamless integration of geoprocessing tools in QGIS
A Graser, V Olaya
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 4 (4), 2219-2245, 2015
Towards an Open Source Analysis Toolbox for Street Network Comparison: Indicators, Tools and Results of a Comparison of OSM and the Official Austrian Reference Graph
A Graser, M Straub, M Dragaschnig
Transactions in GIS 18 (4), 510-526, 2014
Untangling origin-destination flows in geographic information systems
A Graser, J Schmidt, F Roth, N Brändle
Information Visualization 18 (1), 2017
Fast hidden Markov model map-matching for sparse and noisy trajectories
H Koller, P Widhalm, M Dragaschnig, A Graser
2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2015
Is OSM good enough for vehicle routing? A study comparing street networks in Vienna
A Graser, M Straub, M Dragaschnig
Progress in Location-Based Services 2014, 3-17, 2015
Integrating open spaces into OpenStreetMap routing graphs for realistic crossing behavior in pedestrian navigation
A Graser
GI_Forum ‒ Journal for Geographic Information Science 4 (1), 217-230, 2016
Mobility Data Science (Dagstuhl Seminar 22021)
M Mokbel, M Sakr, L Xiong, A Züfle, J Almeida, T Anderson, W Aref, ...
Dagstuhl Reports 12 (1), 2022
The M³ massive movement model: a distributed incrementally updatable solution for big movement data exploration
A Graser, P Widhalm, M Dragaschnig
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 34 (12), 2517-2540, 2020
Combining spatial information and optimization for locating emergency medical service stations: A case study for Lower Austria
R Fritze, A Graser, M Sinnl
International Journal of Medical Informatics 111, 24-36, 2018
QGIS Map Design
A Graser, GN Peterson
Locate Press, 2016
An exploratory data analysis protocol for identifying problems in continuous movement data
A Graser
Journal of Location Based Services 15 (2), 89-117, 2021
Open Geospatial Tools for Movement Data Exploration
A Graser, M Dragaschnig
KN-Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information, 1-8, 2020
Geometric methods for estimating representative sidewalk widths applied to Vienna’s streetscape surfaces database
T Brezina, A Graser, U Leth
Journal of Geographical Systems 19 (2), 157-174, 2017
The Elevation Factor: Digital Elevation Model Quality and Sampling Impacts on Electric Vehicle Energy Estimation Errors
A Graser, J Asamer, W Ponweiser
MT-ITS 2015, Budapest, Hungary, 2015
Evaluating Spatio-temporal Data Models for Trajectories in PostGIS Databases
A Graser
GI_Forum ‒ Journal for Geographic Information Science 6 (1), 16-33, 2018
QGIS 2 Cookbook
A Mandel, VO Ferrero, A Graser, A Bruy
Packt Publishing Ltd, 2016
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