Shinsuke Imada
Shinsuke Imada
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Observation of energetic electrons within magnetic islands
LJ Chen, A Bhattacharjee, PA Puhl-Quinn, H Yang, N Bessho, S Imada, ...
Nature Physics 4 (1), 19-23, 2008
Outflows at the edges of active regions: contribution to solar wind formation?
LK Harra, T Sakao, CH Mandrini, H Hara, S Imada, PR Young, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 676 (2), L147, 2008
Energetic electron acceleration in the downstream reconnection outflow region
S Imada, R Nakamura, PW Daly, M Hoshino, W Baumjohann, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 112 (A3), 2007
Electron power-law spectra in solar and space plasmas
M Oka, J Birn, M Battaglia, CC Chaston, SM Hatch, G Livadiotis, S Imada, ...
Space Science Reviews 214 (5), 82, 2018
Coronal dimming observed with Hinode: Outflows related to a coronal mass ejection
LK Harra, H Hara, S Imada, PR Young, DR Williams, AC Sterling, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 59 (sp3), S801-S806, 2007
Saturation of StellarWinds from Young Suns
TK Suzuki, S Imada, R Kataoka, Y Kato, T Matsumoto, H Miyahara, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 65 (5), 98-98, 2013
Discovery of a temperature-dependent upflow in the plage region during a gradual phase of the X-class flare
S Imada, H Hara, T Watanabe, S Kamio, A Asai, K Matsuzaki, LK Harra, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 59 (sp3), S793-S799, 2007
Morphology, dynamics and plasma parameters of plumes and inter-plume regions in solar coronal holes
K Wilhelm, L Abbo, F Auchère, N Barbey, L Feng, AH Gabriel, S Giordano, ...
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 19, 1-70, 2011
Achievements of Hinode in the first eleven years
Hinode Review Team, K Al-Janabi, P Antolin, D Baker, LR Bellot Rubio, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 71 (5), R1, 2019
Chromospheric Lyman-alpha spectro-polarimeter (CLASP)
R Kano, T Bando, N Narukage, R Ishikawa, S Tsuneta, Y Katsukawa, ...
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 8443 …, 2012
Coronal mass ejection induced outflows observed with Hinode/EIS
M Jin, MD Ding, PF Chen, C Fang, S Imada
The Astrophysical Journal 702 (1), 27, 2009
Propagating waves in polar coronal holes as seen by SUMER & EIS
D Banerjee, L Teriaca, GR Gupta, S Imada, G Stenborg, SK Solanki
Astronomy & Astrophysics 499 (3), L29-L32, 2009
Improvement of solar-cycle prediction: plateau of solar axial dipole moment
H Iijima, H Hotta, S Imada, K Kusano, D Shiota
Astronomy & Astrophysics 607, L2, 2017
Accelerating waves in polar coronal holes as seen by EIS and SUMER
GR Gupta, D Banerjee, L Teriaca, S Imada, S Solanki
The Astrophysical Journal 718 (1), 11, 2010
Formation of a flare-productive active region: observation and numerical simulation of NOAA AR 11158
S Toriumi, Y Iida, K Kusano, Y Bamba, S Imada
Solar Physics 289, 3351-3369, 2014
Evidence for hot fast flow above a solar flare arcade
S Imada, K Aoki, H Hara, T Watanabe, LK Harra, T Shimizu
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 776 (1), L11, 2013
On the origin of the solar Moreton wave of 2006 December 6
KS Balasubramaniam, EW Cliver, A Pevtsov, M Temmer, TW Henry, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 723 (1), 587, 2010
Strongly blueshifted phenomena observed with Hinode EIS in the 2006 December 13 solar flare
A Asai, H Hara, T Watanabe, S Imada, T Sakao, N Narukage, JL Culhane, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 685 (1), 622, 2008
Average profiles of energetic and thermal electrons in the magnetotail reconnection regions
S Imada, M Hoshino, T Mukai
Geophysical research letters 32 (9), 2005
Thaddäus Derfflinger’s sunspot observations during 1802–1824: a primary reference to understand the Dalton Minimum
H Hayakawa, BP Besser, T Iju, R Arlt, S Uneme, S Imada, PA Bourdin, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 890 (2), 98, 2020
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