Clayton D. Delancey
Clayton D. Delancey
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Geolocators reveal migration routes, stopover sites, and nonbreeding dispersion in a population of Cerulean Warblers
CD Delancey, K Islam, GR Kramer, GJ MacDonald, AR Sharp, ...
Animal Migration 7 (1), 19-26, 2020
Roost preference, postfledging habitat use, and breeding phenology of adult female Worm-eating Warblers (Helmitheros vermivorum) on the breeding grounds
PJ Ruhl, CD Delancey, JB Dunning Jr
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130 (2), 397-409, 2018
Post-fledging habitat use in a declining songbird
CD Delancey, K Islam
PeerJ 7, e7358, 2019
Abundance and distribution of ruffed grouse Bonasa umbellus at the southern periphery of the range
WB Lewis, RB Chandler, CD Delancey, E Rushton, GT Wann, ...
Wildlife Biology 2022 (5), e01017, 2022
Low Breeding-Site Fidelity Suggests Dispersal of Cerulean Warblers
BM Connare, CD Delancey, AR Sharp, GJ MacDonald, K Islam
Northeastern Naturalist 27 (4), 669-680, 2020
Analysis of microhabitat characteristics at roost sites of Cerulean Warblers
CD Delancey, K Islam
PloS one 15 (11), e0241501, 2020
Novel vocalizations, including song, from 2 female Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea)
GJ MacDonald, CD Delancey, K Islam
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131 (2), 366-373, 2019
American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) usurp Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) nest in Southern Indiana
CD Delancey, GJ MacDonald, K Islam
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130 (2), 554-558, 2018
Clinging to the top: natal dispersal tracks climate gradient in a trailing-edge population of a migratory songbird
HE Gaya, RJ Cooper, CD Delancey, J Hepinstall-Cymerman, ...
Movement Ecology 12 (1), 1-10, 2024
Delineating the origin of migratory Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus) in Indiana using stable isotope analysis
LK Neumann, AE Higdon, EA Flaherty, BJ Bumgardner, AB Wilms, ...
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132 (4), 967-977, 2020
First confirmed hybrid pairing between a Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) and a Black-throated Blue Warbler (Setophaga caerulescens)
CD Delancey, GJ MacDonald, K Islam
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131 (1), 161-165, 2019
Effects of management practices on Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus density in privately owned working forests across the Southeastern United States
V Nolan, JM Yeiser, B Costanzo, MR Martin, JL McGuire, CD Delancey, ...
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5 (3), e12352, 2024
Estimating Northern Bobwhite Density in Privately-Owned Forests Across the Southeast
JM Yeiser, B Costanzo, M Martin, J McGuire, C Delancey, JA Martin
National Quail Symposium Proceedings 9 (1), 54, 2022
Delineating the Origin of Northern Saw-Whet Owls in Indiana Using Stable Isotope Analysis
LK Neumann, AE Higdon, EA Flaherty, BJ Bumgardner, AB Wilms, ...
American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference, 2019
Habitat Use by Fledgling Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga Cerulea), and Roost Site Selection by Adult Male Cerulean Warblers During the Breeding Season in Southern Indiana
CD Delancey
Ball State University, 2018
Habitat Prevalence of Migrating Northern Saw-whet Owls in Delaware and Henry Counties, Indiana: Preliminary Results
K Gavenda, C Delancey
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