Haoyu Gao
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Credit allocation under economic stimulus: Evidence from China
LW Cong, H Gao, J Ponticelli, X Yang
The Review of Financial Studies 32 (9), 3412-3460, 2019
Analyzing user behavior of the micro-blogging website Sina Weibo during hot social events
W Guan, H Gao, M Yang, Y Li, H Ma, W Qian, Z Cao, X Yang
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 395, 340-351, 2014
Media coverage and the cost of debt
H Gao, J Wang, Y Wang, C Wu, X Dong
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 55 (2), 429-471, 2020
Subnational debt of China: The politics-finance nexus
H Gao, H Ru, DY Tang
Journal of Financial Economics 141 (3), 881-895, 2021
Rise of bank competition: Evidence from banking deregulation in China
H Gao, H Ru, R Townsend, X Yang
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019
How FinTech improves financial reporting quality? Evidence from earnings management
H Wen, J Fang, H Gao
Economic Modelling 126, 106435, 2023
Monetary Stimulus amidst the Infrastructure Investment Spree: Evidence from China's Loan‐Level Data
K Chen, H Gao, P Higgins, DF Waggoner, T Zha
The Journal of Finance 78 (2), 1147-1204, 2023
Fashion, cooperation, and social interactions
Z Cao, H Gao, X Qu, M Yang, X Yang
PLoS One 8 (1), e49441, 2013
Impact of lockdown and government subsidies on rural households at early COVID-19 pandemic in China
N Li, M Chen, H Gao, D Huang, X Yang
China Agricultural Economic Review 15 (1), 109-133, 2023
What are Chinese talking about in hot weibos?
Y Li, H Gao, M Yang, W Guan, H Ma, W Qian, Z Cao, X Yang
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 419, 546-557, 2015
The informational role of ownership networks in bank lending
H Gao, H Ru, X Yang
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 57 (8), 2993-3017, 2022
Pandemic effect on analyst forecast dispersion: earnings uncertainty or information lockdown?
H Gao, H Wen, S Yu
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 57 (6), 1699-1715, 2021
Pandemic effect on corporate financial asset holdings: Precautionary or return-chasing?
H Gao, H Wen, X Wang
Research in international business and finance 62, 101750, 2022
Boosted credit ratings in China: the effects of credit enhancement on bond pricing
H Gao, Y Huang, J Mo
Available at SSRN 3549270, 2022
Public data acces and stock price synchronicity: Evidence from China
J Du, H Gao, H Wen, Y Ye
Economic Modelling 130, 106591, 2024
Bank funding costs during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from China
H Gao, J Li, H Wen
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 79, 102006, 2023
Pricing the Priceless: The Financing Cost of Biodiversity Conservation
F Chen, MCLW Cong, HGJ Ponticelli
How does credit information sharing affect trade credit? Evidence from China
H Gao, P Zhao, H Wen
Accounting & Finance 63 (5), 4909-4938, 2023
Corporate bond defaults and spillover effects on bank risk: Evidence from city commercial banks in China
H Gao, Y Ouyang, Y Wang
Research in International Business and Finance 69, 102252, 2024
Pricing the pandemic: evidence from the bond market in China
H Gao, Y Ouyang, H Wen
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 60 (1), 59-82, 2024
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