Santiago Iturriaga
Santiago Iturriaga
Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República
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Cluster-UY: collaborative scientific high performance computing in Uruguay
S Nesmachnow, S Iturriaga
Supercomputing: 10th International Conference on Supercomputing in Mexico …, 2019
Efficient heuristics for profit optimization of virtual cloud brokers
S Nesmachnow, S Iturriaga, B Dorronsoro
IEEE computational intelligence magazine 10 (1), 33-43, 2015
Energy efficient scheduling in heterogeneous systems with a parallel multiobjective local search
S Iturriaga, S Nesmachnow, D Bernabe, P Bouvry
Computing and Informatics 32 (2), 273-294, 2013
A parallel local search in CPU/GPU for scheduling independent tasks on large heterogeneous computing systems
S Iturriaga, S Nesmachnow, F Luna, E Alba
The Journal of Supercomputing 71, 648-672, 2015
Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for energy and service level scheduling in a federation of distributed datacenters
S Iturriaga, B Dorronsoro, S Nesmachnow
International Transactions in Operational Research 24 (1-2), 199-228, 2017
Multiobjective workflow scheduling in a federation of heterogeneous green-powered data centers
S Iturriaga, S Nesmachnow, A Tchernykh, B Dorronsoro
2016 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2016
Scheduling energy efficient data centers using renewable energy
S Iturriaga, S Nesmachnow
Electronics 5 (4), 71, 2016
A parallel hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the optimization of broker virtual machines subletting in cloud systems
S Iturriaga, S Nesmachnow, B Dorronsoro, EG Talbi, P Bouvry
2013 Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and …, 2013
Multiobjective grid scheduling using a domain decomposition based parallel micro evolutionary algorithm
S Nesmachnow, S Iturriaga
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 6 4 (1), 70-84, 2013
An empirical study of the robustness of energy-aware schedulers for high performance computing systems under uncertainty
S Iturriaga, S García, S Nesmachnow
High Performance Computing: First HPCLATAM-CLCAR Latin American Joint …, 2014
Negotiation approach for the participation of datacenters and supercomputing facilities in smart electricity markets
J Muraña, S Nesmachnow, S Iturriaga, S Montes de Oca, G Belcredi, ...
Programming and Computer Software 46, 636-651, 2020
List scheduling heuristics for virtual machine mapping in cloud systems
S Nesmachnow, S Iturriaga, B Dorronsoro, EG Talbi, P Bouvry
VI High Performance Computing Latin America Symposium, 37-48, 2013
Solving very large optimization problems (up to one billion variables) with a parallel evolutionary algorithm in CPU and GPU
S Iturriaga, S Nesmachnow
2012 Seventh International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and …, 2012
A parallel multi-objective local search for AEDB protocol tuning
S Iturriaga, P Ruiz, S Nesmachnow, B Dorronsoro, P Bouvry
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2013
Cluster-UY: scientific HPC in Uruguay
S Nesmachnow, S Iturriaga
International supercomputing in México, 1-15, 2019
Mbspdiscover: An automatic benchmark for multibsp performance analysis
M Alaniz, S Nesmachnow, B Goglin, S Iturriaga, VG Gosta, M Printista
High Performance Computing: First HPCLATAM-CLCAR Latin American Joint …, 2014
Multiobjective energy-aware workflow scheduling in distributed datacenters
S Nesmachnow, S Iturriaga, B Dorronsoro, A Tchernykh
International Conference on Supercomputing in Mexico, 79-93, 2015
Multiobjective scheduling of green-powered datacenters considering QoS and budget objectives
S Iturriaga, S Nesmachnow
2015 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT LATAM …, 2015
Metaheuristics for the virtual machine mapping problem in clouds
S Nesmachnow, S Iturriaga, B Dorronsoro, EG Talbi, P Bouvry
Informatica 26 (1), 111-134, 2015
Multiobjective scheduling on distributed heterogeneous computing and grid environments using a parallel micro-chc evolutionary algorithm
S Nesmachnow, S Iturriaga
2011 International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet …, 2011
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