Eva Mayr
Eva Mayr
Department for Arts & Cultural Studies, University for Continuing Education KremsKrems
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Visualization of cultural heritage collection data: State of the art and future challenges
F Windhager, P Federico, G Schreder, K Glinka, M Dörk, S Miksch, E Mayr
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (6), 2311-2330, 2019
What does it take to be an adult in Austria? Views of adulthood in Austrian adolescents, emerging adults, and adults
U Sirsch, E Dreher, E Mayr, U Willinger
Journal of Adolescent Research 24 (3), 275-292, 2009
Trust in Information Visualization
E Mayr, N Hynek, S Salisu, F Windhager
EuroVis Workshop on Trustworthy Visualization (TrustVis), …, 2019
Hierarchical temporal patterns and interactive aggregated views for pixel-based visualizations
T Lammarsch, W Aigner, A Bertone, J Gärtner, E Mayr, S Miksch, M Smuc
2009 13th International Conference Information Visualisation, 44-50, 2009
The user puzzle—explaining the interaction with visual analytics systems
M Pohl, M Smuc, E Mayr
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 18 (12), 2908-2916, 2012
A user-centered design approach to self-service ticket vending machines
K Siebenhandl, G Schreder, M Smuc, E Mayr, M Nagl
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 56 (2), 138-159, 2013
Potentials and challenges of mobile media in museums
D Wessel, E Mayr
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 1 (1), 32-39, 2007
To score or not to score? Tripling insights for participatory design
M Smuc, E Mayr, T Lammarsch, W Aigner, S Miksch, J Gärtner
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 29 (3), 29-38, 2009
In-sights into mobile learning: An exploration of mobile eye tracking methodology for learning in museums
E Mayr, K Knipfer, D Wessel
Researching mobile learning: Frameworks, methods, and research designs, 189-204, 2009
Once upon a Spacetime: Visual Storytelling in Cognitive and Geotemporal Information Spaces
E Mayr, F Windhager
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7 (3), 96, 2018
Exhibiting Uncertainty: Visualizing Data Quality Indicators for Cultural Collections
F Windhager, S Salisu, E Mayr
Informatics 6 (3), 29, 2019
Computer support for knowledge communication in science exhibitions: Novel perspectives from research on collaborative learning
K Knipfer, E Mayr, C Zahn, S Schwan, FW Hesse
Educational Research Review 4 (3), 196-209, 2009
Many roads lead to Rome: Mapping users’ problem-solving strategies
E Mayr, M Smuc, H Risku
Information Visualization 10 (3), 232-247, 2011
A review of information visualization approaches and interfaces to digital cultural heritage collections
F Windhager, P Federico, E Mayr, G Schreder, M Smuc
Proceedings of the 9th forum media technology (ed W Aigner, G Schmiedl, K …, 2016
Visualization of Cultural Heritage Data for Casual Users
E Mayr, P Federico, S Miksch, G Schreder, M Smuc, F Windhager
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop for Visualization for the Digital Humanities …, 2016
Toward flexible visual analytics augmented through smooth display transitions
C Tominski, G Andrienko, N Andrienko, S Bleisch, SI Fabrikant, E Mayr, ...
Visual Informatics 5 (3), 28-38, 2021
Age and computer self-efficacy in the use of digital technologies: an investigation of prototypes for public self-service terminals
G Schreder, M Smuc, K Siebenhandl, E Mayr
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. User and Context Diversity …, 2013
Visualizations at first sight: Do insights require training?
M Smuc, E Mayr, T Lammarsch, A Bertone, W Aigner, H Risku, S Miksch
HCI and Usability for Education and Work: 4th Symposium of the Workgroup …, 2008
Looking at the representations in our mind: Measuring mental models of information visualizations
E Mayr, G Schreder, M Smuc, F Windhager
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Beyond Time and Errors on Novel …, 2016
Re-viewing the museum visitor’s view
D Wessel, E Mayr, K Knipfer
Proceedings of the Workshop Research Methods in Informal and Mobile Learning …, 2007
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