Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response JJV Bavel, K Baicker, PS Boggio, V Capraro, A Cichocka, M Cikara, ... Nature human behaviour 4 (5), 460-471, 2020 | 6344 | 2020 |
Transcranial direct current stimulation: state of the art 2008 MA Nitsche, LG Cohen, EM Wassermann, A Priori, N Lang, A Antal, ... Brain stimulation 1 (3), 206-223, 2008 | 3690 | 2008 |
Clinical research with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): challenges and future directions AR Brunoni, MA Nitsche, N Bolognini, M Bikson, T Wagner, L Merabet, ... Brain stimulation 5 (3), 175-195, 2012 | 1832 | 2012 |
Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation of prefrontal cortex enhances working memory F Fregni, PS Boggio, M Nitsche, F Bermpohl, A Antal, E Feredoes, ... Experimental brain research 166, 23-30, 2005 | 1625 | 2005 |
A technical guide to tDCS, and related non-invasive brain stimulation tools AJ Woods, A Antal, M Bikson, PS Boggio, AR Brunoni, P Celnik, ... Clinical neurophysiology 127 (2), 1031-1048, 2016 | 1555 | 2016 |
Safety of transcranial direct current stimulation: evidence based update 2016 M Bikson, P Grossman, C Thomas, AL Zannou, J Jiang, T Adnan, ... Brain stimulation 9 (5), 641-661, 2016 | 1504 | 2016 |
Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on working memory in patients with Parkinson's disease PS Boggio, R Ferrucci, SP Rigonatti, P Covre, M Nitsche, ... Journal of the neurological sciences 249 (1), 31-38, 2006 | 916 | 2006 |
A sham-controlled, phase II trial of transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of central pain in traumatic spinal cord injury F Fregni, PS Boggio, MC Lima, MJL Ferreira, T Wagner, SP Rigonatti, ... PAIN® 122 (1-2), 197-209, 2006 | 912 | 2006 |
Transcranial direct current stimulation of the unaffected hemisphere in stroke patients F Fregni, PS Boggio, CG Mansur, T Wagner, MJL Ferreira, MC Lima, ... Neuroreport 16 (14), 1551-1555, 2005 | 823 | 2005 |
A randomized, sham‐controlled, proof of principle study of transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of pain in fibromyalgia F Fregni, R Gimenes, AC Valle, MJL Ferreira, RR Rocha, L Natalle, ... Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 2006 | 821 | 2006 |
A randomized, double-blind clinical trial on the efficacy of cortical direct current stimulation for the treatment of major depression PS Boggio, SP Rigonatti, RB Ribeiro, ML Myczkowski, MA Nitsche, ... International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 11 (2), 249-254, 2008 | 763 | 2008 |
A sham stimulation-controlled trial of rTMS of the unaffected hemisphere in stroke patients CG Mansur, F Fregni, PS Boggio, M Riberto, J Gallucci-Neto, CM Santos, ... Neurology 64 (10), 1802-1804, 2005 | 762 | 2005 |
The sertraline vs electrical current therapy for treating depression clinical study: results from a factorial, randomized, controlled trial AR Brunoni, L Valiengo, A Baccaro, TA Zanão, JF de Oliveira, A Goulart, ... JAMA psychiatry 70 (4), 383-391, 2013 | 725 | 2013 |
Repeated sessions of noninvasive brain DC stimulation is associated with motor function improvement in stroke patients PS Boggio, A Nunes, SP Rigonatti, MA Nitsche, A Pascual-Leone, ... Restorative neurology and neuroscience 25 (2), 123-129, 2007 | 720 | 2007 |
A sham-controlled trial of a 5-day course of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the unaffected hemisphere in stroke patients F Fregni, PS Boggio, AC Valle, RR Rocha, J Duarte, MJL Ferreira, ... Stroke 37 (8), 2115-2122, 2006 | 683 | 2006 |
Treatment of depression with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): a review MA Nitsche, PS Boggio, F Fregni, A Pascual-Leone Experimental neurology 219 (1), 14-19, 2009 | 667 | 2009 |
Treatment of major depression with transcranial direct current stimulation. F Fregni, PS Boggio, MA Nitsche, MA Marcolin, SP Rigonatti, ... Blackwell Publishing, 2006 | 664 | 2006 |
Diminishing risk-taking behavior by modulating activity in the prefrontal cortex: a direct current stimulation study S Fecteau, D Knoch, F Fregni, N Sultani, P Boggio, A Pascual-Leone Journal of Neuroscience 27 (46), 12500-12505, 2007 | 603 | 2007 |
Noninvasive cortical stimulation with transcranial direct current stimulation in Parkinson's disease F Fregni, PS Boggio, MC Santos, M Lima, AL Vieira, SP Rigonatti, ... Movement disorders 21 (10), 1693-1702, 2006 | 579 | 2006 |
Activation of prefrontal cortex by transcranial direct current stimulation reduces appetite for risk during ambiguous decision making S Fecteau, A Pascual-Leone, DH Zald, P Liguori, H Théoret, PS Boggio, ... Journal of Neuroscience 27 (23), 6212-6218, 2007 | 504 | 2007 |