Mohammed Saeed Alkatheiri
Mohammed Saeed Alkatheiri
University of Jeddah
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A machine learning-based security vulnerability study on xor pufs for resource-constraint internet of things
AO Aseeri, Y Zhuang, MS Alkatheiri
2018 IEEE International Congress on Internet of Things (ICIOT), 49-56, 2018
Towards fast and accurate machine learning attacks of feed-forward arbiter PUFs
MS Alkatheiri, Y Zhuang
2017 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing, 181-187, 2017
A fast deep learning method for security vulnerability study of XOR PUFs
KT Mursi, B Thapaliya, Y Zhuang, AO Aseeri, MS Alkatheiri
Electronics 9 (10), 1715, 2020
Industrial wastewater management using blockchain technology: Architecture, requirements, and future directions
S Hakak, WZ Khan, GA Gilkar, N Haider, M Imran, MS Alkatheiri
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine 3 (2), 38-43, 2020
Artificial intelligence assisted improved human-computer interactions for computer systems
MS Alkatheiri
Computers and Electrical Engineering 101, 107950, 2022
AODV routing protocol for Cognitive radio access based Internet of Things (IoT)
S Anamalamudi, AR Sangi, M Alkatheiri, AM Ahmed
Future Generation Computer Systems 83, 228-238, 2018
A quantum-safe key hierarchy and dynamic security association for LTE/SAE in 5G scenario
R Arul, G Raja, AO Almagrabi, MS Alkatheiri, SH Chauhdary, AK Bashir
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (1), 681-690, 2019
An experimental study of the state-of-the-art PUFs implemented on FPGAs
MS Alkatheiri, Y Zhuang, M Korobkov, AR Sangi
2017 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing, 174-180, 2017
Extensive examination of XOR arbiter PUFs as security primitives for resource-constrained IoT devices
KT Mursi, Y Zhuang, MS Alkatheiri, AO Aseeri
2019 17th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 1-9, 2019
AODV routing protocol under several routing attacks in MANETs
MS Alkatheiri, J Liu, AR Sangi
2011 IEEE 13th International Conference on Communication Technology, 614-618, 2011
Use of blockchain-based smart contracts in logistics and supply chains
MA Alqarni, MS Alkatheiri, SH Chauhdary, S Saleem
Electronics 12 (6), 1340, 2023
Automatic Seizure Detection Using Multi-Resolution Dynamic Mode Decomposition
MSAMA M. Bilal, M. Rizwan, S. Saleem, M. M. Khan
IEEE Access 7, 61180-61194, 2019
Seamless security apprise method for improving the reliability of sustainable energy-based smart home applications
MS Alkatheiri, SH Chauhdary, MA Alqarni
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 45, 101219, 2021
Context-aware autonomous security assertion for industrial IoT
U Tariq, AO Aseeri, MS Alkatheiri, Y Zhuang
IEEE Access 8, 191785-191794, 2020
Examination of double arbiter pufs on security against machine learning attacks
MA Alamro, Y Zhuang, AO Aseeri, MS Alkatheiri
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 3165-3171, 2019
Robustness and unpredictability for double arbiter pufs on silicon data: Performance evaluation and modeling accuracy
MA Alamro, KT Mursi, Y Zhuang, AO Aseeri, MS Alkatheiri
Electronics 9 (5), 870, 2020
Cyber security framework for smart home energy management systems
MS Alkatheiri, MA Alqarni, SH Chauhdary
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 46, 101232, 2021
Blockchain-assisted cybersecurity for the internet of medical things in the healthcare industry
MS Alkatheiri, AS Alghamdi
Electronics 12 (8), 1801, 2023
Cooperative caching scheme for machine-to-machine information-centric IoT networks
S Anamalamudi, MS Alkatheiri, E Al Solami, AR Sangi
IEEE Canadian journal of electrical and computer engineering 44 (2), 228-237, 2021
Physical unclonable function (PUF)-based security in Internet of Things (IoT): Key challenges and solutions
MS Alkatheiri, AR Sangi, S Anamalamudi
Handbook of Computer Networks and Cyber Security: Principles and Paradigms …, 2020
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