Dewight Williams
Dewight Williams
Research Scientist Arizona State University
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1.4. Ang. structure of photoactive yellow protein, a cytosolic photoreceptor: Unusual fold, active site, and chromophore
GEO Borgstahl, DWR Williams, ED Getzoff
Biochemistry 34 (19), 6278-6287, 1995
Crystal Structures of a Schistosomal Drug and Vaccine Target: Glutathione S-Transferase fromSchistosoma japonicaand its Complex with the Leading Antischistomal Drug Praziquantel
MA McTigue, DWR Williams, JA Tainer
Journal of molecular biology 246 (1), 21-27, 1995
Posttranslational modifications mediate the structural diversity of tauopathy strains
T Arakhamia, CE Lee, Y Carlomagno, M Kumar, DM Duong, H Wesseling, ...
Cell 180 (4), 633-644. e12, 2020
Complete chemical structure of photoactive yellow protein: novel thioester-linked 4-hydroxycinnamyl chromophore and photocycle chemistry
M Baca, GEO Borgstahl, M Boissinot, PM Burke, DWR Williams, KA Slater, ...
Biochemistry 33 (48), 14369-14377, 1994
Programming nanoparticle valence bonds with single-stranded DNA encoders
G Yao, J Li, Q Li, X Chen, X Liu, F Wang, Z Qu, Z Ge, RP Narayanan, ...
Nature materials 19 (7), 781-788, 2020
Expression of autoactivated stromelysin-1 in mammary glands of transgenic mice leads to a reactive stroma during early development
N Thomasset, A Lochter, CJ Sympson, LR Lund, DWR Williams, ...
The American journal of pathology 153 (2), 457-467, 1998
Trans-mitochondrial coordination of cristae at regulated membrane junctions
M Picard, MJ McManus, G Csordás, P Várnai, GW Dorn II, D Williams, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6259, 2015
Elucidating the ticking of an in vitro circadian clockwork
T Mori, DR Williams, MO Byrne, X Qin, M Egli, HS Mchaourab, PL Stewart, ...
PLoS biology 5 (4), e93, 2007
ChAdOx1 interacts with CAR and PF4 with implications for thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome
AT Baker, RJ Boyd, D Sarkar, A Teijeira-Crespo, CK Chan, E Bates, ...
Science Advances 7 (49), eabl8213, 2021
Analysis of KaiA–KaiC protein interactions in the cyano‐bacterial circadian clock using hybrid structural methods
R Pattanayek, DR Williams, S Pattanayek, Y Xu, T Mori, CH Johnson, ...
The EMBO journal 25 (9), 2017-2028, 2006
Telomeric repeat-containing RNA (TERRA) constitutes a nucleoprotein component of extracellular inflammatory exosomes
Z Wang, Z Deng, N Dahmane, K Tsai, P Wang, DR Williams, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (46), E6293-E6300, 2015
Intermolecular associations determine the dynamics of the circadian KaiABC oscillator
X Qin, M Byrne, T Mori, P Zou, DR Williams, H Mchaourab, CH Johnson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (33), 14805-14810, 2010
Onion-like glycodendrimersomes from sequence-defined Janus glycodendrimers and influence of architecture on reactivity to a lectin
Q Xiao, S Zhang, Z Wang, SE Sherman, RO Moussodia, M Peterca, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (5), 1162-1167, 2016
Cryo-EM structure of the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit at subnanometer resolution reveals α helices and insight into DNA binding
DR Williams, KJ Lee, J Shi, DJ Chen, PL Stewart
Structure 16 (3), 468-477, 2008
Glycodendrimersomes from sequence-defined Janus glycodendrimers reveal high activity and sensor capacity for the agglutination by natural variants of human lectins
S Zhang, Q Xiao, SE Sherman, A Muncan, ADM Ramos Vicente, Z Wang, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (41), 13334-13344, 2015
Human rotavirus VP6-specific antibodies mediate intracellular neutralization by binding to a quaternary structure in the transcriptional pore
MS Aiyegbo, G Sapparapu, BW Spiller, IM Eli, DR Williams, R Kim, ...
PloS one 8 (5), e61101, 2013
Platelet factor 4 activity against P. falciparum and its translation to nonpeptidic mimics as antimalarials
MS Love, MG Millholland, S Mishra, S Kulkarni, KB Freeman, W Pan, ...
Cell host & microbe 12 (6), 815-823, 2012
Structural model of the circadian clock KaiB–KaiC complex and mechanism for modulation of KaiC phosphorylation
R Pattanayek, DR Williams, S Pattanayek, T Mori, CH Johnson, ...
The EMBO journal 27 (12), 1767-1778, 2008
Increased mitochondrial nanotunneling activity, induced by calcium imbalance, affects intermitochondrial matrix exchanges
M Lavorato, VR Iyer, W Dewight, RR Cupo, V Debattisti, L Gomez, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (5), E849-E858, 2017
The structure of Photosystem I acclimated to far-red light illuminates an ecologically important acclimation process in photosynthesis
C Gisriel, G Shen, V Kurashov, MY Ho, S Zhang, D Williams, JH Golbeck, ...
Science Advances 6 (6), eaay6415, 2020
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Articles 1–20