Jonathan Kochems
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Automatic verification of Erlang-style concurrency
E D’Osualdo, J Kochems, CHL Ong
Static Analysis: 20th International Symposium, SAS 2013, Seattle, WA, USA …, 2013
Deep hedging: hedging derivatives under generic market frictions using reinforcement learning
H Buehler, L Gonon, J Teichmann, B Wood, B Mohan, J Kochems
Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper, 2019
Unboundedness and downward closures of higher-order pushdown automata
M Hague, J Kochems, CHL Ong
Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of …, 2016
Idiosyncrasies and challenges of data driven learning in electronic trading
V Bacoyannis, V Glukhov, T Jin, J Kochems, DR Song
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.09549, 2018
Soter: an automatic safety verifier for Erlang
E D'Osualdo, J Kochems, L Ong
Proceedings of the 2nd edition on Programming systems, languages and …, 2012
Improved functional flow and reachability analyses using indexed linear tree grammars
J Kochems, CH Ong
22nd International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA …, 2011
Limit Order Book Simulations: A Review
K Jain, N Firoozye, J Kochems, P Treleaven
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.17359, 2024
Safety verification of asynchronous pushdown systems with shaped stacks
J Kochems, CHL Ong
CONCUR 2013–Concurrency Theory: 24th International Conference, CONCUR 2013 …, 2013
Limit Order Book Simulation with Generative Adversarial Networks
R Cont, M Cucuringu, J Kochems, F Prenzel
Available at SSRN 4512356, 2023
Dynamic calibration of order flow models with generative adversarial networks
F Prenzel, R Cont, M Cucuringu, J Kochems
Proceedings of the third acm international conference on ai in finance, 446-453, 2022
Deep Hedging: Hedging Derivatives under Generic Market Frictions using Reinforcement Learning; SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 3355706
H Buehler, L Gonon, J Teichmann, B Wood, B Mohan, J Kochems
Social Science Research Network: Rochester, NY, USA, 2019
Verification of asynchronous concurrency and the shaped stack constraint
J Kochems
University of Oxford, 2014
Limit Order Book dynamics and order size modelling using Compound Hawkes Process
K Jain, N Firoozye, J Kochems, P Treleaven
Finance Research Letters 69, 106157, 2024
Decidable models of recursive asynchronous concurrency
J Kochems, CHL Ong
arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.8852, 2014
Approximating reachable terms of functional programs
J Kochems
University of Oxford MMathsCompSc thesis, 2010
Verifying Erlang-style concurrency automatically
E D’Osualdo, J Kochems, CHL Ong
Technical report, University of Oxford DCS Technical Report, 2011. http …, 2011
No tick-size too small: A general method for modelling small tick limit order books
K Jain, JF Muzy, J Kochems, E Bacry
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.08744, 2024
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