Jacek Klos
Jacek Klos
Joint Quantum Institute, Department of Physics, University of Maryland
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Astronomical identification of CN-, the smallest observed molecular anion
M Agúndez, J Cernicharo, M Guélin, C Kahane, E Roueff, J Kłos, FJ Aoiz, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 517, L2, 2010
BASECOL2012: A collisional database repository and web service within the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC)
ML Dubernet, MH Alexander, YA Ba, N Balakrishnan, C Balança, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 553, A50, 2013
Observation of the isotope effect in sub-kelvin reactions
E Lavert-Ofir, Y Shagam, AB Henson, S Gersten, J Kłos, PS Żuchowski, ...
Nature chemistry 6 (4), 332-335, 2014
Cold heteromolecular dipolar collisions
BC Sawyer, BK Stuhl, M Yeo, TV Tscherbul, MT Hummon, Y Xia, J Kłos, ...
Physical chemistry chemical physics 13 (42), 19059-19066, 2011
Differential cross sections for collisions of hexapole state-selected NO with He
A Gijsbertsen, H Linnartz, G Rus, AE Wiskerke, S Stolte, DW Chandler, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 123 (22), 2005
Ab initio potential-energy surface for the He()+NO(X2 Π) interaction and bound rovibrational states
J Kl/os, G Chal/asiński, MT Berry, R Bukowski, SM Cybulski
The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 (5), 2195-2203, 2000
Interference structures in the differential cross-sections for inelastic scattering of NO by Ar
CJ Eyles, M Brouard, CH Yang, J Kłos, FJ Aoiz, A Gijsbertsen, ...
Nature chemistry 3 (8), 597-602, 2011
Spectroscopic observation of resonances in the F+ H2 reaction
JB Kim, ML Weichman, TF Sjolander, DM Neumark, J Kłos, MH Alexander, ...
Science 349 (6247), 510-513, 2015
Low-temperature collisions of NH (X 3 Σ−) molecules with He atoms in a magnetic field: An ab initio study
RV Krems, HR Sadeghpour, A Dalgarno, D Zgid, J Kłos, G Chałasiński
Physical Review A 68 (5), 051401, 2003
Cold N<? format?>+<? format?> NH Collisions in a Magnetic Trap
MT Hummon, TV Tscherbul, J Kłos, HI Lu, E Tsikata, WC Campbell, ...
Physical review letters 106 (5), 053201, 2011
Can we estimate H (j= 0) rate coefficients from He rate coefficients? Application to the SiS molecule
F Lique, R Toboła, J Kłos, N Feautrier, A Spielfiedel, LFM Vincent, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 478 (2), 567-574, 2008
Benchmarks for the generation of interaction potentials for scattering calculations: applications to rotationally inelastic collisions of C 4 (X 3 Σ− g) with He
F Lique, J Kłos, M Hochlaf
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (48), 15672-15680, 2010
State-to-state inelastic scattering of Stark-decelerated OH radicals with Ar atoms
L Scharfenberg, J Kłos, PJ Dagdigian, MH Alexander, G Meijer, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (36), 10660-10670, 2010
Rotational excitation of CN (X Σ2+) by He: Theory and comparison with experiments
F Lique, A Spielfiedel, N Feautrier, IF Schneider, J Kłos, MH Alexander
The Journal of chemical physics 132 (2), 2010
Scattering resonances in bimolecular collisions between NO radicals and H2 challenge the theoretical gold standard
SN Vogels, T Karman, J Kłos, M Besemer, J Onvlee, A van der Avoird, ...
Nature Chemistry 10 (4), 435-440, 2018
O+ OH→ O2+ H: A key reaction for interstellar chemistry. New theoretical results and comparison with experiment
F Lique, M Jorfi, P Honvault, P Halvick, SY Lin, H Guo, DQ Xie, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 131 (22), 2009
Orientation and alignment depolarization in OH (X Π2)+ Ar/He collisions
G Paterson, S Marinakis, ML Costen, KG McKendrick, J Kłos, R Toboła
The Journal of chemical physics 129 (7), 2008
The rotational excitation of the interstellar HNC by para-and ortho-H 2
F Dumouchel, J Kłos, F Lique
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (18), 8204-8212, 2011
Ultracold spin-polarized mixtures of molecules with -state atoms: Collisional stability and implications for sympathetic cooling
TV Tscherbul, J Kłos, AA Buchachenko
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (4), 040701, 2011
Low-energy inelastic collisions of OH radicals with He atoms and molecules
M Kirste, L Scharfenberg, J Kłos, F Lique, MH Alexander, G Meijer, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (4), 042717, 2010
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