Kebin Liu
Kebin Liu
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Cited by
Does wireless sensor network scale? A measurement study on GreenOrbs
Y Liu, Y He, M Li, J Wang, K Liu, X Li
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 24 (10), 1983-1993, 2012
Passive diagnosis for wireless sensor networks
K Liu, M Li, Y Liu, M Li, Z Guo, F Hong
Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on Embedded network sensor systems …, 2008
Sweep coverage with mobile sensors
M Li, W Cheng, K Liu, Y He, X Li, X Liao
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 10 (11), 1534-1545, 2011
Agnostic diagnosis: Discovering silent failures in wireless sensor networks
X Miao, K Liu, Y He, D Papadias, Q Ma, Y Liu
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 12 (12), 6067-6075, 2013
Sweep coverage with mobile sensors
W Cheng, M Li, K Liu, Y Liu, X Li, X Liao
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 1-9, 2008
PIC: Enable large-scale privacy preserving content-based image search on cloud
L Zhang, T Jung, K Liu, XY Li, X Ding, J Gu, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (11), 3258-3271, 2017
FBS-Radar: Uncovering Fake Base Stations at Scale in the Wild.
Z Li, W Wang, C Wilson, J Chen, C Qian, T Jung, L Zhang, K Liu, X Li, ...
NDSS, 2017
Self-diagnosis for large scale wireless sensor networks
K Liu, Q Ma, X Zhao, Y Liu
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1539-1547, 2011
CitySee: Not only a wireless sensor network
Y Liu, X Mao, Y He, K Liu, W Gong, J Wang
IEEE Network 27 (5), 42-47, 2013
Lasagna: Towards deep hierarchical understanding and searching over mobile sensing data
C Liu, L Zhang, Z Liu, K Liu, X Li, Y Liu
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing …, 2016
It starts with igaze: Visual attention driven networking with smart glasses
L Zhang, XY Li, W Huang, K Liu, S Zong, X Jian, P Feng, T Jung, Y Liu
Proceedings of the 20th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2014
Message in a sealed bottle: Privacy preserving friending in mobile social networks
L Zhang, XY Li, K Liu, T Jung, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 14 (9), 1888-1902, 2014
Distributed coverage in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks by topological graph approaches
D Dong, X Liao, K Liu, Y Liu, W Xu
IEEE Transactions on computers 61 (10), 1417-1428, 2011
Montage: Combine frames with movement continuity for realtime multi-user tracking
L Zhang, K Liu, Y Jiang, XY Li, Y Liu, P Yang, Z Li
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 16 (4), 1019-1031, 2016
Kaleido: You can watch it but cannot record it
L Zhang, C Bo, J Hou, XY Li, Y Wang, K Liu, Y Liu
Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing …, 2015
Informative counting: Fine-grained batch authentication for large-scale RFID systems
W Gong, K Liu, X Miao, Q Ma, Z Yang, Y Liu
Proceedings of the fourteenth ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2013
PLP: Protecting location privacy against correlation analyze attack in crowdsensing
Q Ma, S Zhang, T Zhu, K Liu, L Zhang, W He, Y Liu
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 16 (9), 2588-2598, 2016
Channel-aware rate adaptation for backscatter networks
W Gong, H Liu, J Liu, X Fan, K Liu, Q Ma, X Ji
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 26 (2), 751-764, 2018
Arbitrarily accurate approximation scheme for large-scale RFID cardinality estimation
W Gong, K Liu, X Miao, H Liu
IEEE INFOCOM 2014-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 477-485, 2014
iSelf: Towards cold-start emotion labeling using transfer learning with smartphones
B Sun, Q Ma, S Zhang, K Liu, Y Liu
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 13 (4), 1-22, 2017
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