Luke Burkhart
Luke Burkhart
Graduate Student, Yale University
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Quantum acoustics with superconducting qubits
Y Chu, P Kharel, WH Renninger, LD Burkhart, L Frunzio, PT Rakich, ...
Science 358 (6360), 199-202, 2017
On-demand quantum state transfer and entanglement between remote microwave cavity memories
CJ Axline, LD Burkhart, W Pfaff, M Zhang, K Chou, P Campagne-Ibarcq, ...
Nature Physics 14 (7), 705-710, 2018
Hot nonequilibrium quasiparticles in transmon qubits
K Serniak, M Hays, G de Lange, S Diamond, S Shankar, LD Burkhart, ...
Physical review letters 121 (15), 157701, 2018
Deterministic remote entanglement of superconducting circuits through microwave two-photon transitions
P Campagne-Ibarcq, E Zalys-Geller, A Narla, S Shankar, P Reinhold, ...
Physical review letters 120 (20), 200501, 2018
Controlled release of multiphoton quantum states from a microwave cavity memory
W Pfaff, CJ Axline, LD Burkhart, U Vool, P Reinhold, L Frunzio, L Jiang, ...
Nature Physics 13 (9), 882-887, 2017
Faithful conversion of propagating quantum information to mechanical motion
AP Reed, KH Mayer, JD Teufel, LD Burkhart, W Pfaff, M Reagor, L Sletten, ...
Nature Physics 13 (12), 1163-1167, 2017
Normal-metal quasiparticle traps for superconducting qubits
RP Riwar, A Hosseinkhani, LD Burkhart, YY Gao, RJ Schoelkopf, ...
Physical Review B 94 (10), 104516, 2016
Error-detected state transfer and entanglement in a superconducting quantum network
LD Burkhart, JD Teoh, Y Zhang, CJ Axline, L Frunzio, MH Devoret, ...
PRX Quantum 2 (3), 030321, 2021
The short rotation period of Hi’iaka, Haumea’s largest satellite
DM Hastings, D Ragozzine, DC Fabrycky, LD Burkhart, C Fuentes, ...
The Astronomical Journal 152 (6), 195, 2016
A Deep Search for Additional Satellites around the Dwarf Planet Haumea
LD Burkhart, D Ragozzine, ME Brown
The Astronomical Journal 151 (6), 162, 2016
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