David Yanagizawa-Drott
David Yanagizawa-Drott
Department of Economics, University of Zurich
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Propaganda and Conflict: Evidence from the Rwandan Genocide
D Yanagizawa-Drott
Quarterly Journal of Economics 129 (4), 2014
Misperceived Social Norms: Women Working Outside the Home in Saudi Arabia
L Bursztyn, AL González, D Yanagizawa-Drott
American Economic Review 110 (10), 2997-3029, 2020
Opinions as facts
L Bursztyn, A Rao, C Roth, D Yanagizawa-Drott
The Review of Economic Studies 90 (4), 1832-1864, 2023
Does Religion Affect Economic Growth and Happiness? Evidence from Ramadan
FR Campante, DH Yanagizawa-Drott
Quarterly Journal of Economics 130 (2), 615-658, 2015
Do Political Protests Matter? Evidence from the Tea Party Movement
A Madestam, D Shoag, S Veuger, D Yanagizawa-Drott
Quarterly Journal of Economics 128 (4), 2013
Lemon Technologies and Adoption: Measurement, Theory and Evidence from Agricultural Markets in Uganda
T Bold, K Kaizzi, J Svensson, D Yanagizawa-Drott
Quarterly Journal of Economics 132 (3), 1055-1100, 2017
Social Capital vs Institutions in the Growth Process
P Ahlerup, O Olsson, D Yanagizawa
European Journal of Political Economy 25 (1), 1-14, 2009
Getting Prices Right: The Impact of the Market Information Service in Uganda
J Svensson, D Yanagizawa
Journal of the European Economic Association 7 (2‐3), 435-445, 2009
Long-Range Growth: Economic Development in the Global Network of Air Links
FR Campante, DH Yanagizawa-Drott
Quarterly Journal of Economics 133 (3), 2018
Can good products drive out bad? A randomized intervention in the antimalarial medicine market in Uganda
M Björkman Nyqvist, J Svensson, D Yanagizawa-Drott
Journal of the European Economic Association 20 (3), 957-1000, 2022
Reducing child mortality in the last mile: experimental evidence on community health promoters in Uganda
MB Nyqvist, A Guariso, J Svensson, D Yanagizawa-Drott
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11 (3), 155-192, 2019
Shaping the nation: The effect of Fourth of July on political preferences and behavior in the United States
A Madestam, DH Yanagizawa-Drott
HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series, 2012
The Strategic Determinants of U.S. Human Rights Reporting: Evidence from the Cold War
N Qian, D Yanagizawa
Journal of the European Economic Association 7 (2‐3), 446-457, 2009
How Are Gender Norms Perceived?
DYD L. Bursztyn, A. Cappelen, B. Tungodden, A. Voena
NBER Working Paper Series, 31049, 2023
Government distortion in independently owned media: Evidence from us news coverage of human rights
N Qian, D Yanagizawa-Drott
Journal of the European Economic Association 15 (2), 463-499, 2017
The Intergenerational Transmission of War
FR Campante, DH Yanagizawa-Drott
NBER Working Paper, 2015
Propaganda vs. Education: A Case Study of Hate Radio in Rwanda
D Yanagizawa-Drott
Oxford Handbook of Propaganda Studies, 2013
Estimating impact in partial vs. general equilibrium: A cautionary tale from a natural experiment in Uganda
J Svensson, D Yanagizawa-Drott
Working paper, 2012
Media persuasion, ethnic hatred, and mass violence
M Petrova, D Yanagizawa-Drott
Economic aspects of genocides, other mass atrocities, and their prevention 274, 2016
Going viral: Propaganda, persuasion and polarization in 1932 Hamburg
M Caesmann, B Caprettini, HJ Voth, D Yanagizawa-Drott
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP16356, 2021
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