Dirk Pleiter
Dirk Pleiter
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen + KTH Royal Institute of Technology
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Strangeness contribution to the proton spin from lattice QCD
GS Bali, S Collins, M Göckeler, R Horsley, Y Nakamura, A Nobile, ...
Physical review letters 108 (22), 222001, 2012
Hyperon sigma terms for 2<? format?>+<? format?> 1 quark flavors
R Horsley, Y Nakamura, H Perlt, D Pleiter, PEL Rakow, G Schierholz, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (3), 034506, 2012
Strange and light quark contributions to the nucleon mass from lattice QCD
GS Bali, S Collins, M Göckeler, R Horsley, Y Nakamura, A Nobile, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (5), 054502, 2012
Perturbative and nonperturbative renormalization in lattice QCD
M Göckeler, R Horsley, Y Nakamura, H Perlt, D Pleiter, PEL Rakow, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 82 (11), 114511, 2010
Determination of ΛMS from quenched and Nf= 2 dynamical QCD
S Booth, M Göckeler, R Horsley, AC Irving, B Joo, S Pickles, D Pleiter, ...
Physics Letters B 519 (3-4), 229-237, 2001
Building the international lattice data grid
MG Beckett, P Coddington, B Joó, CM Maynard, D Pleiter, O Tatebe, ...
Computer Physics Communications 182 (6), 1208-1214, 2011
Dirac and Pauli form factors from lattice QCD
S Collins, M Göckeler, P Hägler, R Horsley, Y Nakamura, A Nobile, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84 (7), 074507, 2011
Nucleon distribution amplitudes and proton decay matrix elements on the lattice
VM Braun, M Göckeler, R Horsley, T Kaltenbrunner, Y Nakamura, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (3), 034504, 2009
A lattice study of the glue in the nucleon
R Horsley, R Millo, Y Nakamura, H Perlt, D Pleiter, PEL Rakow, ...
Physics Letters B 714 (2-5), 312-316, 2012
Brain simulation as a cloud service: The Virtual Brain on EBRAINS
M Schirner, L Domide, D Perdikis, P Triebkorn, L Stefanovski, R Pai, ...
NeuroImage 251, 118973, 2022
Electroproduction of the Resonance <?format ?>at Large Momentum Transfer
VM Braun, M Göckeler, R Horsley, T Kaltenbrunner, A Lenz, Y Nakamura, ...
Physical review letters 103 (7), 072001, 2009
from lattice QCD at nearly physical quark masses
GS Bali, S Collins, M Deka, B Gläßle, M Göckeler, J Najjar, A Nobile, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 86 (5), 054504, 2012
Nucleon distribution amplitudes from lattice QCD
M Göckeler, R Horsley, T Kaltenbrunner, Y Nakamura, D Pleiter, ...
Physical review letters 101 (11), 112002, 2008
Computing for LQCD: apeNEXT
F Belletti, SF Schifano, R Tripiccione, F Bodin, P Boucaud, J Micheli, ...
Computing in Science & Engineering 8 (1), 18-29, 2005
QPACE: Quantum chromodynamics parallel computing on the cell broadband engine
G Goldrian, T Huth, B Krill, J Lauritsen, H Schick, I Ouda, S Heybrock, ...
Computing in Science & Engineering 10 (6), 46-54, 2008
Accelerating a C++ CFD code with OpenACC
J Kraus, M Schlottke, A Adinetz, D Pleiter
2014 first workshop on accelerator programming using directives, 47-54, 2014
Moments of generalized parton distributions and quark angular momentum of the nucleon
M Ohtani, D Brommel, M Gockeler, P Hagler, R Horsley, Y Nakamura, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:0710.1534, 2007
Paving the way towards a highly energy-efficient and highly integrated compute node for the Exascale revolution: the ExaNoDe approach
A Rigo, C Pinto, K Pouget, D Raho, D Dutoit, PY Martinez, C Doran, ...
2017 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 486-493, 2017
Halloc: a high-throughput dynamic memory allocator for GPGPU architectures
AV Adinetz, D Pleiter
GPU Technology Conference (GTC) 152, 2014
QPACE--a QCD parallel computer based on Cell processors
H Baier, H Boettiger, M Drochner, N Eicker, U Fischer, Z Fodor, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.2174, 2009
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Articles 1–20