Markus Wagner
Markus Wagner
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Affective polarization in multiparty systems
M Wagner
Electoral Studies, 2020
Defining and measuring niche parties
M Wagner
Party Politics, 2012
Which issues do parties emphasise? Salience strategies and party organisation in multiparty systems
M Wagner, TM Meyer
West European Politics 37 (5), 1019-1045, 2014
Left-authoritarians and policy representation in Western Europe: Electoral choice across ideological dimensions
Z Lefkofridi, M Wagner, JE Willmann
West European Politics 37 (1), 65-90, 2014
The Radical Right as Niche Parties? The Ideological Landscape of Party Systems in Western Europe, 1980–2014
M Wagner, TM Meyer
Political Studies 65 (1), 2017
Voting at 16: Turnout and the quality of vote choice
M Wagner, D Johann, S Kritzinger
Electoral studies 31 (2), 372-383, 2012
When do parties emphasise extreme positions? How strategic incentives for policy differentiation influence issue importance
M Wagner
European Journal of Political Research, 2012
One Bias Fits All? Three Types of Media Bias and Their Effects on Party Preferences
JM Eberl, H Boomgaarden, M Wagner
Communication Research 44 (8), 2017
Mainstream or niche? Vote-seeking incentives and the programmatic strategies of political parties
T Meyer, M Wagner
Comparative Political Studies, 2013
Do Voters Polarize When Radical Parties Enter Parliament?
D Bischof, M Wagner
American Journal of Political Science, 2019
The Electoral Appeal of Party Strategies in Post-industrial Societies: When Can the Mainstream Left Succeed?
T Abou-Chadi, M Wagner
Journal of Politics, 2019
Corruption, accountability, and gender: do female politicians face higher standards in public life?
AC Eggers, N Vivyan, M Wagner
The Journal of Politics 80 (1), 321-326, 2018
Fear, anger and enthusiasm about the European Union: Effects of emotional reactions on public preferences towards European integration
S Vasilopoulou, M Wagner
European Union Politics 18 (3), 2017
How has radical right support transformed established political conflicts? The case of Austria
J Aichholzer, S Kritzinger, M Wagner, E Zeglovits
West European Politics 37 (1), 113-137, 2014
Partisan Bias in Message Selection: Media Gatekeeping of Party Press Releases
M Haselmayer, M Wagner, TM Meyer
Political Communication 34 (3), 367-384, 2017
Fear and anger in Great Britain: Blame assignment and emotional reactions to the financial crisis
M Wagner
Political behavior 36 (3), 683-703, 2014
Electoral fortunes of social democratic parties: do second dimension positions matter?
T Abou-Chadi, M Wagner
Journal of European Public Policy 27 (2), 246-272, 2020
Voter responses to fiscal austerity
E Hübscher, T Sattler, M Wagner
British Journal of Political Science 51 (4), 1751-1760, 2021
Matching voters to parties: Voting advice applications and models of party choice
M Wagner, O Ruusuvirta
Acta Politica, 2012
Representative misconduct, voter perceptions and accountability: evidence from the 2009 House of Commons expenses scandal
N Vivyan, M Wagner, J Tarlov
Electoral Studies, 2012
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