Jing (Selena) He
Jing (Selena) He
Professor, Department of Computer Science, Kennesaw State University
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Cited by
A novel blockchain-based education records verification solution
M Han, Z Li, J He, D Wu, Y Xie, A Baba
Proceedings of the 19th annual SIG conference on information technology …, 2018
Integrating Internet of Things (IoT) into STEM undergraduate education: Case study of a modern technology infused courseware for embedded system course
J He, DCT Lo, Y Xie, J Lartigue
2016 IEEE frontiers in education conference (FIE), 1-9, 2016
Deep learning approach for cyberattack detection
Y Zhou, M Han, L Liu, JS He, Y Wang
IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE conference on computer communications workshops …, 2018
Clinical efficacy of a specifically targeted antimicrobial peptide mouth rinse: targeted elimination of Streptococcus mutans and prevention of demineralization
R Sullivan, P Santarpia, S Lavender, E Gittins, Z Liu, MH Anderson, J He, ...
Caries research 45 (5), 415-428, 2011
Structure based data de-anonymization of social networks and mobility traces
S Ji, W Li, M Srivatsa, JS He, R Beyah
Information Security: 17th International Conference, ISC 2014, Hong Kong …, 2014
Constructing load-balanced data aggregation trees in probabilistic wireless sensor networks
J He, S Ji, Y Pan, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (7), 1681-1690, 2013
Optimal distributed data collection for asynchronous cognitive radio networks
Z Cai, S Ji, J He, AG Bourgeois
2012 IEEE 32nd international conference on distributed computing systems …, 2012
Security in fog computing through encryption
A Vishwanath, R Peruri, Jing (Selena) He
DigitalCommons@ Kennesaw State University, 2016
Distributed and Asynchronous Data Collection in Cognitive Radio Networks with Fairness Consideration
Z Cai, S Ji, J He, L Wei, AG Bourgeois
IEEE, 2012
Approximation algorithms for load-balanced virtual backbone construction in wireless sensor networks
JS He, S Ji, Y Pan, Z Cai
Theoretical Computer Science 507, 2-16, 2013
General graph data de-anonymization: From mobility traces to social networks
S Ji, W Li, M Srivatsa, JS He, R Beyah
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 18 (4), 1-29, 2016
Load–balanced CDS construction in wireless sensor networks via genetic algorithm
J He, S Ji, M Yan, Y Pan, Y Li
International Journal of Sensor Networks 11 (3), 166-178, 2012
Constructing a load-balanced virtual backbone in wireless sensor networks
J He, S Ji, P Fan, Y Pan, Y Li
2012 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications …, 2012
Internet of things (iot)-based learning framework to facilitate stem undergraduate education
JS He, S Ji, PO Bobbie
Proceedings of the SouthEast Conference, 88-94, 2017
A survey on decentralized flocking schemes for a set of autonomous mobile robots
N Xiong, J He, Y Yang, Y He, TH Kim, C Lin
J. Commun. 5 (1), 31-38, 2010
Minimum-sized influential node set selection for social networks under the independent cascade model
J He, S Ji, R Beyah, Z Cai
Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2014
A survey on fault-tolerance in distributed network systems
N Xiong, Y Yang, M Cao, J He, L Shu
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 2 …, 2009
Integrating blockchain technology into healthcare
JD Vyas, M Han, L Li, S Pouriyeh, JS He
proceedings of the 2020 ACM southeast conference, 197-203, 2020
Reliable and energy efficient target coverage for wireless sensor networks
J He, S Ji, Y Pan, Y Li
Tsinghua science and technology 16 (5), 464-474, 2011
Spreading social influence with both positive and negative opinions in online networks
JS He, M Han, S Ji, T Du, Z Li
Big Data Mining and Analytics 2 (2), 100-117, 2019
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Articles 1–20