Todd Bodnar
Todd Bodnar
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Digital epidemiology
M Salathe, L Bengtsson, TJ Bodnar, DD Brewer, JS Brownstein, C Buckee, ...
Public Library of Science 8 (7), e1002616, 2012
Validating models for disease detection using twitter
T Bodnar, M Salathé
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, 699-702, 2013
Identifying adverse effects of HIV drug treatment and associated sentiments using Twitter
C Adrover, T Bodnar, Z Huang, A Telenti, M Salathé
JMIR public health and surveillance 1 (2), e4488, 2015
Increasing the veracity of event detection on social media networks through user trust modeling
T Bodnar, C Tucker, K Hopkinson, SG Bilén
2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 636-643, 2014
On the ground validation of online diagnosis with Twitter and medical records
T Bodnar, VC Barclay, N Ram, CS Tucker, M Salathé
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web, 651-656, 2014
Using large-scale social media networks as a scalable sensing system for modeling real-time energy utilization patterns
T Bodnar, ML Dering, C Tucker, KM Hopkinson
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 47 (10), 2627-2640, 2016
A multi-terabyte relational database for geo-tagged social network data
L Dobos, J Szüle, T Bodnár, T Hanyecz, T Sebők, D Kondor, Z Kallus, ...
2013 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications …, 2013
City population dynamics and fractal transport networks
C Abundo, T Bodnar, J Driscoll, I Hatton, J Wright
Proceedings of the Santa Fe Institute‘s CSSS2013, 2013
Governing the global commons with local institutions
T Bodnar, M Salathé
PloS one 7 (4), e34051, 2012
Targeting HIV-related medication side effects and sentiment using Twitter data
C Adrover, T Bodnar, M Salathé
arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.3610, 2014
A Multi-terabyte database for geotagged social network data
L Dobos, J Szüle, T Bodnár
Submitted to the CogInfoCom, 2013
Understanding population displacements on location-based call records using road data
Z Huang, U Kumar, T Bodnar, M Salathé
Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Mobile …, 2013
The social maintenance of cooperation through hypocrisy
TJ Bodnar, M Salathé
arXiv preprint arXiv:1304.3747, 2013
Data Science with Social Media for Epidemiology and Public Health
TJ Bodnar
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