Sofia Vasilopoulou
Sofia Vasilopoulou
Professor of European Politics, King's College London
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The paradox of nationalism: The common denominator of radical right and radical left euroscepticism
D Halikiopoulou, K Nanou, S Vasilopoulou
European journal of political research 51 (4), 504-539, 2012
G reece in Crisis: Austerity, Populism and the Politics of Blame
S Vasilopoulou, D Halikiopoulou, T Exadaktylos
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 52 (2), 388-402, 2014
European integ ra tion and the radical right: three patterns of oppos i tion
S Vasilopoulou
The populist radical right, 142-156, 2016
The civic zeitgeist: nationalism and liberal values in the E uropean radical right
D Halikiopoulou, S Mock, S Vasilopoulou
Nations and nationalism 19 (1), 107-127, 2013
Continuity and Change in the Study of Euroscepticism: Plus ça change?
S Vasilopoulou
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 51 (1), 153-168, 2013
UK Euroscepticism and the Brexit referendum
S Vasilopoulou
The Political Quarterly 87 (2), 219-227, 2016
Varieties of Euroscepticism: the case of the European extreme right
S Vasilopoulou
Journal of Contemporary European Research 5 (1), 3-23, 2009
The Golden Dawn’s ‘nationalist solution’: explaining the rise of the far right in Greece
S Vasilopoulou, D Halikiopoulou
Springer, 2015
Fear, anger and enthusiasm about the European Union: Effects of emotional reactions on public preferences towards European integration
S Vasilopoulou, M Wagner
European Union Politics 18 (3), 382-405, 2017
In the shadow of Grexit: The Greek election of 17 June 2012
S Vasilopoulou, D Halikiopoulou
Protest Elections and Challenger Parties, 127-146, 2016
The radical right and Euroskepticism
S Vasilopoulou
The Oxford handbook of the radical right, 122-140, 2018
The party politics of Euroscepticism in times of crisis: The case of Greece
S Vasilopoulou
Politics 38 (3), 311-326, 2018
Opportunity or threat? Public attitudes towards EU freedom of movement
S Vasilopoulou, L Talving
Journal of European Public Policy 26 (6), 805-823, 2019
The politics of anti-environmentalism: positional issue framing by the European radical right
K Gemenis, A Katsanidou, S Vasilopoulou
62nd Annual Political Studies Association Conference 2012, 2012
Far right parties and Euroscepticism: Patterns of opposition
S Vasilopoulou
Ecpr Press, 2017
Breaching the social contract: crises of democratic representation and patterns of extreme right party support
D Halikiopoulou, S Vasilopoulou
Government and Opposition 53 (1), 26-50, 2018
Absent yet popular? Explaining news visibility of M embers of the E uropean P arliament
K Gattermann, S Vasilopoulou
European Journal of Political Research 54 (1), 121-140, 2015
Support for the Far Right in the 2014 European Parliament Elections: a comparative perspective
D Halikiopoulou, S Vasilopoulou
The political quarterly 85 (3), 285-288, 2014
Theory, concepts and research design in the study of Euroscepticism
S Vasilopoulou
The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism, 22-35, 2017
Poor versus rich countries: A gap in public attitudes towards fiscal solidarity in the EU
S Vasilopoulou, L Talving
West European Politics 43 (4), 919-943, 2020
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