C. D. Heussler
C. D. Heussler
Department of Ecology, University of Innsbruck
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The Core Gut Microbiome of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Larvae Raised on Low-Bioburden Diets
T Klammsteiner, A Walter, T Bogataj, CD Heussler, B Stres, FM Steiner, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 993, 2020
Influence of three artificial light sources on oviposition and half-life of the Black Soldier Fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae): Improving small-scale indoor …
CD Heussler, A Walter, H Oberkofler, H Insam, W Arthofer, ...
PloS one 13 (5), e0197896, 2018
Impact of Processed Food (Canteen and Oil Wastes) on the Development of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Larvae and Their Gut Microbiome Functions
T Klammsteiner, A Walter, T Bogataj, CD Heussler, B Stres, FM Steiner, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 12, 619112, 2021
Identifying the minimum number of microsatellite loci needed to assess population genetic structure: a case study in fly culturing
W Arthofer, C Heussler, P Krapf, BC Schlick-Steiner, FM Steiner
Fly 12 (1), 13-22, 2018
Black soldier fly school workshops as means to promote circular economy and environmental awareness
A Walter, T Klammsteiner, M Gassner, CD Heussler, S Kapelari, ...
Sustainability 12 (22), 9574, 2020
Permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 April 2013–31 May 2013
Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium, ...
Molecular ecology resources 13 (5), 966-968, 2013
The core gut microbiome of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae raised on low-bioburden diets. Front Microbiol 11: 993
T Klammsteiner, A Walter, T Bogataj, CD Heussler, B Stres, FM Steiner, ...
Life-history traits of black soldier fly reared on agro-industrial by-products subjected to three pre-treatments: a pilot-scale study
CD Heussler, H Insam, A Walter, BCS Steiner, FM Steiner, ...
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 9 (5), 545-556, 2023
Life‐history traits and physiological limits of the alpine fly Drosophila nigrosparsa (Diptera: Drosophilidae): A comparative study
MC Kinzner, P Krapf, M Nindl, C Heussler, S Eisenkölbl, AA Hoffmann, ...
Ecology and evolution 8 (4), 2006-2020, 2018
Correction: Influence of three artificial light sources on oviposition and half-life of the Black Soldier Fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae): Improving small …
CD Heussler, A Walter, H Oberkofler, H Insam, W Arthofer, ...
Plos one 14 (12), e0226670, 2019
Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) larvae in waste valorization and diet-based shifts in their gut microbiome
T Klammsteiner, A Walter, C Heussler, B Schlick-Steiner, F Steiner, ...
Metabolism 61, 1-3, 2018
A Comparative Study of Effects of Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable Microplastics on the Growth and Development of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens)
CD Heussler, IL Dittmann, B Egger, S Robra, T Klammsteiner
Waste and Biomass Valorization 15 (4), 2313-2322, 2024
On everyone’s lips: insects for food and feed
T Klammsteiner, A Walter, H Pan, M Gassner, CD Heussler, M Schermer, ...
Proceedings of 5th Austrian Citizen Science Conference, 2019
Decrypting the microbiota on the black soldier fly’s (Hermetia illucens L., Diptera: Stratiomyidae) egg surface and their origin during development
CD Heussler, T Klammsteiner, KT Stonig, H Insam, BC Schlick-Steiner, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.12. 22.520758, 2022
Sixteen new microsatellite loci for Drosophila nigrosparsa, an emerging system for studying temperature effects in mountain ecosystems
W Arthofer, C Heussler, P Krapf, BC Schlick-Steiner, FM Steiner
Molecular Ecology Resources 13, 966-968, 2013
Microbial influences on black soldier fly reproduction: A focus on egg surface colonization
CD Heussler, T Klammsteiner, KT Stonig, H Insam, BC Schlick-Steiner, ...
Influence of three artificial light sources on oviposition and half-life of the Black Soldier Fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae): Improving small-scale indoor …
CD Heussler, A Walter, H Oberkofler, H Insam, W Arthofer, ...
PLOS ONE 14 (12), 2019
Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2013-31 May 2013 (vol 13, pg 966, 2013)
C Agostini, RG Albaladejo, A Aparicio, WG Arthofer, P Berrebi, PT Boag, ...
Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2013-31 May 2013
A Cecilia, RG Albaladejo, A Aparicio, A Wolfgang, P Berrebi, PT Boag, ...
Microbes in organic waste management
H Insam, T Klammsteiner, V Turan, MFD Juárez, SM Podmirseg, C Ebner, ...
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