Cristiano Codagnone
Cristiano Codagnone
Università degli studi di Milano
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Scoping the sharing economy: Origins, definitions, impact and regulatory issues
C Codagnone
Cristiano Codagnone and Bertin Martens, Scoping the Sharing Economy: Origins …, 2016
Understanding the e-government paradox: Learning from literature and practice on barriers to adoption
A Savoldelli, C Codagnone, G Misuraca
Government Information Quarterly 31, S63-S71, 2014
The passions and the interests: Unpacking the'sharing economy'
C Codagnone, F Biagi, F Abadie
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, JRC Science for Policy Report, 2016
The future of work in the ‘sharing economy’. Market efficiency and equitable opportunities or unfair precarisation?
C Codagnone, F Abadie, F Biagi
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Science for Policy report …, 2016
Assessing concerns for the economic consequence of the COVID-19 response and mental health problems associated with economic vulnerability and negative economic shock in Italy …
C Codagnone, F Bogliacino, C Gómez, R Charris, F Montealegre, G Liva, ...
Plos one 15 (10), e0240876, 2020
Exploring Digital Government transformation in the EU
E Barcevičius, G Cibaitė, C Codagnone, V Gineikytė, L Klimavičiūtė, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019
ICT for the Social and Economic Integration of Migrants into Europe
C Codagnone, S Kluzer
Publication Office of the European Union, 2011
Equity, exit and national identity in a multinational federation: The ‘multicultural constitutional patriotism'project in Russia
C Codagnone, V Filippov
Journal of ethnic and migration studies 26 (2), 263-288, 2000
Patient use of email for health care communication purposes across 14 European countries: an analysis of users according to demographic and health-related factors
N Newhouse, F Lupiáñez-Villanueva, C Codagnone, H Atherton
Journal of medical internet research 17 (3), e58, 2015
The future of work in the ‘sharing economy’
C Codagnone, F Abadie, F Biagi
Market efficiency and equitable opportunities or unfair precarisation, 2016
Platform economics: rhetoric and reality in the" sharing economy"
C Codagnone, A Karatzogianni, J Matthews
Emerald Group Publishing, 2018
Benchmarking eGovernment: tools, theory, and practice
C Codagnone, TA Undheim
European Journal of ePractice 1 (4), 1-15, 2008
From practice to theory and back to practice: Reflexivity in measurement and evaluation for evidence-based policy making in the information society
G Misuraca, C Codagnone, P Rossel
Government Information Quarterly 30, S68-S82, 2013
Roadmapping Egovernment Research: Visions and Measures Towards Innovative Governments in 2020: Results from the EC-funded Project EGovRTD2020 IST-2004-027139
C Codagnone, MA Wimmer
Future e-government research: 13 research themes identified in the eGovRTD2020 project
M Wimmer, C Codagnone, M Janssen
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2008
Measuring the Public value of e‑Government: The eGEP2. 0 model
A Savoldelli
Electronic Journal of e-Government 11 (2), pp373‑388-pp373‑388, 2013
International health IT benchmarking: learning from cross-country comparisons
J Zelmer, E Ronchi, H Hyppönen, F Lupiáñez-Villanueva, C Codagnone, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 24 (2), 371-379, 2017
The new migration in Russia in the 1990s
C Codagnone
The new migration in Europe: Social constructions and social realities, 39-59, 1998
Quantity and quality of work in the platform economy
F Bogliacino, C Codagnone, V Cirillo, D Guarascio
Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, 1-28, 2020
Labels as nudges? An experimental study of car eco-labels
C Codagnone, GA Veltri, F Bogliacino, F Lupiáñez-Villanueva, G Gaskell, ...
Economia Politica 33, 403-432, 2016
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