Chia-Lin Lee
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Cited by
Language of the aging brain: Event‐related potential studies of comprehension in older adults.
EW Wlotko, CL Lee, KD Federmeier
Language and Linguistics Compass 4 (8), 623-638, 2010
Revisiting the incremental effects of context on word processing: Evidence from single‐word event‐related brain potentials
BR Payne, CL Lee, KD Federmeier
Psychophysiology 52 (11), 1456-1469, 2015
Imagine that! ERPs provide evidence for distinct hemispheric contributions to the processing of concrete and abstract concepts
HW Huang, CL Lee, KD Federmeier
NeuroImage 49 (1), 1116-1123, 2010
Imaging cortical dynamics of language processing with the event-related optical signal
CY Tse, CL Lee, J Sullivan, SM Garnsey, GS Dell, M Fabiani, G Gratton
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (43), 17157-17162, 2007
To watch, to see, and to differ: An event-related potential study of concreteness effects as a function of word class and lexical ambiguity
CL Lee, KD Federmeier
Brain and language 104 (2), 145-158, 2008
To mind the mind: An event-related potential study of word class and semantic ambiguity
CL Lee, KD Federmeier
Brain research 1081 (1), 191-202, 2006
Wave-ering: An ERP study of syntactic and semantic context effects on ambiguity resolution for noun/verb homographs
CL Lee, KD Federmeier
Journal of memory and language 61 (4), 538-555, 2009
Incidental and Context-Responsive Activation of Structure-and Function-Based Action Features During Object Identification.
CL Lee, E Middleton, D Mirman, S Kalénine, LJ Buxbaum
American Psychological Association, 2012
Orthographic neighborhood effects in reading Chinese two-character words
HW Huang, CY Lee, JL Tsai, CL Lee, DL Hung, OJL Tzeng
Neuroreport 17 (10), 1061-1065, 2006
Differential age effects on lexical ambiguity resolution mechanisms
CL Lee, KD Federmeier
Psychophysiology 48 (7), 960-972, 2011
Ambiguity's aftermath: How age differences in resolving lexical ambiguity affect subsequent comprehension
CL Lee, KD Federmeier
Neuropsychologia, 2012
Effects of semantic constraint and cloze probability on Chinese classifier-noun agreement
CJ Chou, HW Huang, CL Lee, CY Lee
Journal of Neurolinguistics 31, 42-54, 2014
Joint influence of metaphor familiarity and mental imagery ability on action metaphor comprehension: An event-related potential study
ZY Shen, YT Tsai, CL Lee
Language and Linguistics 16 (4), 615-637, 2015
It’s all in the family: Brain asymmetry and syntactic processing of word class
C Lee, KD Federmeier
Psychological Science 26 (7), 997-1005, 2015
Sensory and semantic activations evoked by action attributes of manipulable objects: Evidence from ERPs
C Lee, HW Huang, KD Federmeier, LJ Buxbaum
NeuroImage 167, 331-341, 2018
Emotion anticipation induces emotion effects in neutral words during sentence reading: Evidence from event-related potentials
LC Chou, YL Pan, C Lee
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 20, 1294-1308, 2020
The New Science of Learning
HW Huang, JT King, CL Lee
Educational Technology & Society 23 (4), 1-13, 2020
Family-Centered Care Enhanced Neonatal Neurophysiological Function in Preterm Infants: Randomized Controlled Trial
SF Yu, Y. T., Huang, W. C., Hsieh, W. S., Chang, J. H., Lin, C. H., Hsieh, S ...
Physical Therapy, 2019
Word meanings survive visual crowding: evidence from ERPs
J Zhou, CL Lee, SL Yeh
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 31 (9), 1167-1177, 2016
Orthographic neighborhood effects in reading Chinese two-character words. NeuroReport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 17 (10), 1061–1065
HW Huang, CY Lee, JL Tsai, CL Lee, DL Hung, OJL Tzeng
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Articles 1–20