Aline N. Dinkelaker
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Zitiert von
Space-borne Bose–Einstein condensation for precision interferometry
D Becker, MD Lachmann, ST Seidel, H Ahlers, AN Dinkelaker, J Grosse, ...
Nature 562 (7727), 391-395, 2018
Space-borne frequency comb metrology
M Lezius, T Wilken, C Deutsch, M Giunta, O Mandel, A Thaller, ...
Optica 3 (12), 1381-1387, 2016
Ultracold atom interferometry in space
MD Lachmann, H Ahlers, D Becker, AN Dinkelaker, J Grosse, O Hellmig, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1317, 2021
Autonomous frequency stabilization of two extended-cavity diode lasers at the potassium wavelength on a sounding rocket
AN Dinkelaker, M Schiemangk, V Schkolnik, A Kenyon, K Lampmann, ...
Applied Optics 56 (5), 1388-1396, 2017
High-power, micro-integrated diode laser modules at 767 and 780 nm for portable quantum gas experiments
M Schiemangk, K Lampmann, A Dinkelaker, A Kohfeldt, M Krutzik, ...
Applied optics 54 (17), 5332-5338, 2015
Nanosatellites for quantum science and technology
DKL Oi, A Ling, JA Grieve, T Jennewein, AN Dinkelaker, M Krutzik
Contemporary Physics 58 (1), 25-52, 2017
The MARS2013 Mars analog mission
G Groemer, A Soucek, N Frischauf, W Stumptner, C Ragonig, S Sams, ...
Astrobiology 14 (5), 360-376, 2014
Demonstration of an inductively coupled ring trap for cold atoms
JD Pritchard, AN Dinkelaker, AS Arnold, PF Griffin, E Riis
New Journal of Physics 14 (10), 103047, 2012
2023 astrophotonics roadmap: pathways to realizing multi-functional integrated astrophotonic instruments
N Jovanovic, P Gatkine, N Anugu, R Amezcua-Correa, RB Thakur, ...
Journal of Physics: Photonics 5 (4), 042501, 2023
Starlight coupling through atmospheric turbulence into few-mode fibres and photonic lanterns in the presence of partial adaptive optics correction
M Diab, AN Dinkelaker, J Davenport, K Madhav, MM Roth
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501 (2), 1557-1567, 2021
Ultrafast laser inscription of asymmetric integrated waveguide 3 dB couplers for astronomical K-band interferometry at the CHARA array
A Benoît, FA Pike, TK Sharma, DG MacLachlan, AN Dinkelaker, AS Nayak, ...
JOSA B 38 (9), 2455-2464, 2021
First stellar photons for an integrated optics discrete beam combiner at the William Herschel Telescope
AS Nayak, L Labadie, TK Sharma, S Piacentini, G Corrielli, R Osellame, ...
Applied Optics 60 (19), D129-D142, 2021
Astrophotonics: introduction to the feature issue
AN Dinkelaker, A Rahman, J Bland-Hawthorn, F Cantalloube, S Ellis, ...
JOSA B 38 (7), AP1-AP6, 2021
Compact and robust diode laser system technology for dual-species ultracold atom experiments with rubidium and potassium in microgravity
J Pahl, AN Dinkelaker, C Grzeschik, J Kluge, M Schiemangk, A Wicht, ...
Applied optics 58 (20), 5456-5464, 2019
Efficiency analysis of the MARS2013 planning strategy
S Hettrich, AN Dinkelaker, N Sejkora, I Pfeil, Q Scornet, L Moser, A Boyd, ...
Astrobiology 14 (5), 377-390, 2014
Wavelets, intermittency and solar flare hard X-rays 2. LIM analysis of high time resolution BATSE data
AN Dinkelaker, AL MacKinnon
Solar Physics 282, 483-501, 2013
Astrophotonics: photonic integrated circuits for astronomical instrumentation
MM Roth, K Madhav, A Stoll, D Bodenmüller, AN Dinkelaker, A Rahman, ...
Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXVII 12424, 44-59, 2023
Wavelets, intermittency and solar flare hard X-rays 1. Local intermittency measure in cascade and avalanche scenarios
AN Dinkelaker, AL MacKinnon
Solar Physics 282, 471-481, 2013
Simulations of mode-selective photonic lanterns for efficient coupling of starlight into the single-mode regime
M Diab, A Tripathi, J Davenport, AN Dinkelaker, K Madhav, MM Roth
Applied Optics 60 (19), D9-D14, 2021
Frequency comb metrology in space
M Lezius, T Wilken, C Deutsch, M Giunta, O Mandel, A Thaller, ...
8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, 2015
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