Nobuhiro Suzuki
Nobuhiro Suzuki
Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University
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50-plus years of fungal viruses
SA Ghabrial, JR Castón, D Jiang, ML Nibert, N Suzuki
Virology 479, 356-368, 2015
Viruses of plant pathogenic fungi
SA Ghabrial, N Suzuki
Annual review of phytopathology 47 (1), 353-384, 2009
Changes to virus taxonomy and to the International Code of Virus Classification and Nomenclature ratified by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (2021)
PJ Walker, SG Siddell, EJ Lefkowitz, AR Mushegian, EM Adriaenssens, ...
Archives of virology 166 (9), 2633-2648, 2021
A Novel Bipartite Double-Stranded RNA Mycovirus from the White Root Rot Fungus Rosellinia necatrix: Molecular and Biological Characterization, Taxonomic …
S Chiba, L Salaipeth, YH Lin, A Sasaki, S Kanematsu, N Suzuki
Journal of Virology 83 (24), 12801-12812, 2009
Part II: the viruses–the double stranded RNA viruses-family Reoviridae
H Attoui, J Becnel, S Belaganahalli, M Bergoin, CP Brussaard, ...
Elsevier Academic Press; San Diego, 2012
Taxonomic reorganization of family Partitiviridae and other recent progress in partitivirus research
ML Nibert, SA Ghabrial, E Maiss, T Lesker, EJ Vainio, D Jiang, N Suzuki
Virus research 188, 128-141, 2014
Viruses in the chestnut blight fungus
BI Hillman, N Suzuki
Adv. Virus Res 63, 423-472, 2004
Family reoviridae
PPC Mertens
Virus taxonomy. Seventh report of the international committee on taxonomy of …, 2000
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Partitiviridae
EJ Vainio, S Chiba, SA Ghabrial, E Maiss, M Roossinck, S Sabanadzovic, ...
Journal of General Virology 99 (1), 17-18, 2018
Recent changes to virus taxonomy ratified by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (2022)
PJ Walker, SG Siddell, EJ Lefkowitz, AR Mushegian, EM Adriaenssens, ...
Archives of virology 167 (11), 2429-2440, 2022
Widespread endogenization of genome sequences of non-retroviral RNA viruses into plant genomes
S Chiba, H Kondo, A Tani, D Saisho, W Sakamoto, S Kanematsu, ...
PLoS pathogens 7 (7), e1002146, 2011
A Reovirus of the Fungus Cryphonectria parasitica That Is Infectious as Particles and Related to the Coltivirus Genus of Animal Pathogens
BI Hillman, S Supyani, H Kondo, N Suzuki
Journal of Virology 78 (2), 892-898, 2004
A maize DNA-binding factor with a bZIP motif is induced by low temperature
T Kusano, T Berberich, M Harada, N Suzuki, K Sugawara
Molecular and General Genetics MGG 248, 507-517, 1995
Pns12 protein of Rice dwarf virus is essential for formation of viroplasms and nucleation of viral-assembly complexes
T Wei, T Shimizu, K Hagiwara, A Kikuchi, Y Moriyasu, N Suzuki, H Chen, ...
Journal of General Virology 87 (2), 429-438, 2006
The Spread of Rice Dwarf Virus among Cells of Its Insect Vector Exploits Virus-Induced Tubular Structures
T Wei, A Kikuchi, Y Moriyasu, N Suzuki, T Shimizu, K Hagiwara, H Chen, ...
Journal of Virology 80 (17), 8593-8602, 2006
Viruses of plant-interacting fungi
BI Hillman, A Annisa, N Suzuki
Advances in virus research 100, 99-116, 2018
Mycovirus diversity and evolution revealed/inferred from recent studies
H Kondo, L Botella, N Suzuki
Annual Review of Phytopathology 60 (1), 307-336, 2022
A novel quadripartite dsRNA virus isolated from a phytopathogenic filamentous fungus, Rosellinia necatrix
YH Lin, S Chiba, A Tani, H Kondo, A Sasaki, S Kanematsu, N Suzuki
Virology 426 (1), 42-50, 2012
A capsidless ssRNA virus hosted by an unrelated dsRNA virus
R Zhang, S Hisano, A Tani, H Kondo, S Kanematsu, N Suzuki
Nature Microbiology 1 (1), 1-6, 2016
Effects of defective interfering RNA on symptom induction by, and replication of, a novel partitivirus from a phytopathogenic fungus, Rosellinia necatrix
S Chiba, YH Lin, H Kondo, S Kanematsu, N Suzuki
Journal of virology 87 (4), 2330-2341, 2013
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