Christopher Harshaw
Christopher Harshaw
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Submodular maximization beyond non-negativity: Guarantees, fast algorithms, and applications
C Harshaw, M Feldman, J Ward, A Karbasi
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2634-2643, 2019
Greed is good: Near-optimal submodular maximization via greedy optimization
M Feldman, C Harshaw, A Karbasi
Conference on Learning Theory, 758-784, 2017
Projection-free online optimization with stochastic gradient: From convexity to submodularity
L Chen, C Harshaw, H Hassani, A Karbasi
International Conference on Machine Learning, 814-823, 2018
Balancing covariates in randomized experiments with the gram–schmidt walk design
C Harshaw, F Sävje, DA Spielman, P Zhang
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-13, 2024
Graphprints: Towards a graph analytic method for network anomaly detection
CR Harshaw, RA Bridges, MD Iannacone, JW Reed, JR Goodall
Proceedings of the 11th Annual Cyber and Information Security Research …, 2016
Design and analysis of bipartite experiments under a linear exposure-response model
C Harshaw, F Sävje, D Eisenstat, V Mirrokni, J Pouget-Abadie
Electronic Journal of Statistics 17 (1), 464-518, 2023
Clip-ogd: An experimental design for adaptive neyman allocation in sequential experiments
J Dai, P Gradu, C Harshaw
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 32235-32269, 2023
A design-based riesz representation framework for randomized experiments
C Harshaw, F Sävje, Y Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.08698, 2022
How do you want your greedy: Simultaneous or repeated?
M Feldman, C Harshaw, A Karbasi
Journal of Machine Learning Research 24 (72), 1-87, 2023
Optimized variance estimation under interference and complex experimental designs
C Harshaw, JA Middleton, F Sävje
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.01709, 2021
The power of subsampling in submodular maximization
C Harshaw, E Kazemi, M Feldman, A Karbasi
Mathematics of Operations Research 47 (2), 1365-1393, 2022
The Conflict Graph Design: Estimating Causal Effects under Arbitrary Neighborhood Interference
V Kandiros, C Pipis, C Daskalakis, C Harshaw
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.10908, 2024
Algorithmic Advances for the Design and Analysis of Randomized Experiments
C Harshaw
Yale University, 2021
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