Marie Farge
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Wavelet transforms and their applications to turbulence
M Farge
Annual review of fluid mechanics 24 (1), 395-458, 1992
Non-Gaussianity and coherent vortex simulation for two-dimensional turbulence using an adaptive orthogonal wavelet basis
M Farge, K Schneider, N Kevlahan
Physics of Fluids 11 (8), 2187-2201, 1999
Wavelets and turbulence
M Farge, N Kevlahan, V Perrier, E Goirand
Proceedings of the IEEE 84 (4), 639-669, 1996
Coherent vortex extraction in 3D turbulent flows using orthogonal wavelets
M Farge, G Pellegrino, K Schneider
Physical Review Letters 87 (5), 054501, 2001
Coherent vortex simulation (CVS), a semi-deterministic turbulence model using wavelets
M Farge, K Schneider
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 66, 393-426, 2001
Nonlinear wavelet thresholding: A recursive method to determine the optimal denoising threshold
A Azzalini, M Farge, K Schneider
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 18 (2), 177-185, 2005
Coherent vortex extraction in three-dimensional homogeneous turbulence: Comparison between CVS-wavelet and POD-Fourier decompositions
M Farge, K Schneider, G Pellegrino, AA Wray, RS Rogallo
Physics of Fluids 15 (10), 2886-2896, 2003
Wave-vortex dynamics in rotating shallow water
M Farge, R Sadourny
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 206, 433-462, 1989
Improved predictability of two-dimensional turbulent flows using wavelet packet compression
M Farge, E Goirand, Y Meyer, F Pascal, MV Wickerhauser
Fluid Dynamics Research 10 (4-6), 229, 1992
Vorticity filaments in two-dimensional turbulence: creation, stability and effect
NKR Kevlahan, M Farge
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 346, 49-76, 1997
Transformée en ondelettes pour détecter et analyser les structures cohérentes dans les écoulements turbulents bidimensionnels
M Farge, G Rabreau
CR Acad. Sci. Paris 307 (Aug), 1479, 1988
Comparison of an adaptive wavelet method and nonlinearly filtered pseudospectral methods for two-dimensional turbulence
K Schneider, NKR Kevlahan, M Farge
Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics 9 (3), 191-206, 1997
Coherent vortices in high resolution direct numerical simulation of homogeneous isotropic turbulence: A wavelet viewpoint
N Okamoto, K Yoshimatsu, K Schneider, M Farge, Y Kaneda
Physics of Fluids 19 (11), 2007
Wavelets, fractals, and Fourier transforms
M Farge, JCR Hunt, JC Vassilicos
Clarendon Press, 1993
Wavelet tools to study intermittency: application to vortex bursting
J Ruppert-Felsot, M Farge, P Petitjeans
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 636, 427-453, 2009
Coherent vortex simulation of three-dimensional turbulent mixing layers using orthogonal wavelets
K Schneider, M Farge, G Pellegrino, MM Rogers
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 534, 39-66, 2005
Decaying two-dimensional turbulence in a circular container
K Schneider, M Farge
Physical review letters 95 (24), 244502, 2005
Continuous wavelet analysis of coherent structures
M Farge, Y Guezennec, CM Ho, C Meneveau
Proceedings of the 1990 Summer Program, 331-348, 1990
Turbulence analysis, modelling and computing using wavelets
M Farge, NKR Kevlahan, V Perrier, K Schneider
Wavelets in Physics, 117-200, 1999
Adaptive wavelet simulation of a flow around an impulsively started cylinder using penalisation
K Schneider, M Farge
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 12 (3), 374-380, 2002
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