Manoranjan  Kumar
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Cited by
Optical detection of submicromolar levels of nitro explosives by a submicron sized metal–organic phosphor material
DK Singha, S Bhattacharya, P Majee, SK Mondal, M Kumar, P Mahata
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (48), 20908-20915, 2014
Quantum Spin Liquid in Frustrated One-Dimensional
SE Dutton, M Kumar, M Mourigal, ZG Soos, JJ Wen, CL Broholm, ...
Physical review letters 108 (18), 187206, 2012
B-site disorder driven multiple-magnetic phases: Griffiths phase, re-entrant cluster glass, and exchange bias in Pr2CoFeO6
A Pal, P Singh, VK Gangwar, S Ghosh, P Prakash, SK Saha, A Das, ...
Applied Physics Letters 114 (25), 2019
Modified density matrix renormalization group algorithm for the zigzag spin-1 2 chain with frustrated antiferromagnetic exchange: Comparison with field theory at large J 2/J 1
M Kumar, ZG Soos, D Sen, S Ramasesha
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (10), 104406, 2010
Tuning the bond-order wave phase in the half-filled extended Hubbard model
M Kumar, S Ramasesha, ZG Soos
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (3), 035102, 2009
Numerical study of incommensurate and decoupled phases of spin-1/2 chains with isotropic exchange J1, J2 between first and second neighbors
ZG Soos, A Parvej, M Kumar
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (17), 175603, 2016
Bond-order wave phase, spin solitons, and thermodynamics of a frustrated linear spin-1 2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet
M Kumar, S Ramasesha, ZG Soos
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (5), 054413, 2010
Polar flock in the presence of random quenched rotators
R Das, M Kumar, S Mishra
Phys Rev E 98, 060602, 2018
Profiles of work function shifts and collective charge transfer in submonolayer metal–organic films
BJ Topham, M Kumar, ZG Soos
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (10), 1931-1940, 2011
Anomalous Hall effect from gapped nodal line in Co2FeGe Heusler compound
SS Gaurav K. Shukla, Jyotirmay Sau, Nisha Shahi, Anupam K. Singh, Manoranjan ...
Physical Review B, 2021
Enhanced dynamics of active Brownian particles in periodic obstacle arrays and corrugated channels
S Pattanayak, R Das, M Kumar, S Mishra
The European Physical Journal E 42, 1-7, 2019
Cooperativity in spin-crossover transition in metalorganic complexes: Interplay of magnetic and elastic interactions
H Banerjee, M Kumar, T Saha-Dasgupta
Physical Review B 90 (17), 174433, 2014
Scaling exponents in spin-1 2 Heisenberg chains with dimerization and frustration studied with the density-matrix renormalization group
M Kumar, S Ramasesha, D Sen, ZG Soos
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (5), 052404, 2007
Level crossing, spin structure factor and quantum phases of the frustrated spin-1/2 chain with first and second neighbor exchange
M Kumar, A Parvej, ZG Soos
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (31), 316001, 2015
Multipolar phase in frustrated spin-1/2 and spin-1 chains
A Parvej, M Kumar
Physical Review B 96 (5), 054413, 2017
Unusual negative magnetoresistance in Bi2Se3–ySy topological insulator under perpendicular magnetic field
R Singh, VK Gangwar, DD Daga, A Singh, AK Ghosh, M Kumar, ...
Applied Physics Letters 112 (10), 2018
Quantum phases of frustrated two-leg spin- ladders with skewed rungs
G Giri, D Dey, M Kumar, S Ramasesha, ZG Soos
Physical Review B 95 (22), 224408, 2017
Emergent many-body composite excitations of interacting spin-1/2 trimers
AK Bera, SM Yusuf, SK Saha, M Kumar, D Voneshen, Y Skourski, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 6888, 2022
An Efficient Density Matrix Renormalization Group Algorithm for Chains with Periodic Boundary Condition
D Dey, D Maiti, M Kumar
Papers in Physics 8, 080006, 2016
Decoupled phase of frustrated spin- antiferromagnetic chains with and without long-range order in the ground state
M Kumar, ZG Soos
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (13), 134412, 2013
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Articles 1–20