Jia Wei Lim
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Exact simulation of a truncated Lévy subordinator
A Dassios, JW Lim, Y Qu
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 30 (3), 1-17, 2020
Parisian option pricing: a recursive solution for the density of the Parisian stopping time
A Dassios, JW Lim
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 4 (1), 599-615, 2013
Effect of sludge sewage quality on heating value: case study in Jakarta, Indonesia
IW Koko, J Lim, B Surya, I Yenis, NK Sari, MM Sari, NL Zahra, FD Qonitan, ...
Desalination and Water Treatment 28071, 1-8, 2022
An Analytical Solution for the Two‐Sided Parisian Stopping Time, its Asymptotics, and the Pricing of Parisian Options
A Dassios, JW Lim
Mathematical Finance 27 (2), 604-620, 2017
Exact simulation of generalised Vervaat perpetuities
A Dassios, Y Qu, JW Lim
Journal of Applied Probability 56 (1), 57-75, 2019
A two-phase dynamic contagion model for COVID-19
Z Chen, A Dassios, V Kuan, JW Lim, Y Qu, B Surya, H Zhao
Results in Physics 26, 104264, 2021
An efficient algorithm for simulating the drawdown stopping time and the running maximum of a brownian motion
A Dassios, JW Lim
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 20, 189-204, 2018
Recursive formula for the double-barrier Parisian stopping time
A Dassios, JW Lim
Journal of Applied Probability 55 (1), 282-301, 2018
Azéma martingales for Bessel and CIR processes and the pricing of Parisian zero‐coupon bonds
A Dassios, JW Lim, Y Qu
Mathematical Finance 30 (4), 1497-1526, 2020
A variation of the Azéma martingale and drawdown options
A Dassios, JW Lim
Mathematical Finance 29 (4), 1116-1130, 2019
Parisian excursions of Brownian motion and their applications in mathematical finance
JW Lim
London School of Economics and Political Science, 2013
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