Teledetección ambiental: la observación de la Tierra desde el espacio E Chuvieco Salinero Barcelona: Ariel,, 2008 | 2262 | 2008 |
Fundamentos de teledetección espacial. E Chuvieco Rialp, 1990 | 2261 | 1990 |
Fundamentals of satellite remote sensing: An environmental approach E Chuvieco CRC press, 2020 | 787 | 2020 |
Application of remote sensing and geographic information systems to forest fire hazard mapping E Chuvieco, RG Congalton Remote sensing of Environment 29 (2), 147-159, 1989 | 764 | 1989 |
Development of a framework for fire risk assessment using remote sensing and geographic information system technologies E Chuvieco, I Aguado, M Yebra, H Nieto, J Salas, MP Martín, L Vilar, ... Ecological modelling 221 (1), 46-58, 2010 | 713 | 2010 |
Assessment of different topographic corrections in Landsat-TM data for mapping vegetation types (2003) D Riaño, E Chuvieco, J Salas, I Aguado IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 41 (5), 1056-1061, 2003 | 708 | 2003 |
Human-caused wildfire risk rating for prevention planning in Spain J Martínez, C Vega-Garcia, E Chuvieco Journal of environmental management 90 (2), 1241-1252, 2009 | 652 | 2009 |
Assessment of different spectral indices in the red-near-infrared spectral domain for burned land discrimination E Chuvieco, MP Martin, A Palacios International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 (23), 5103-5110, 2002 | 571 | 2002 |
Historical background and current developments for mapping burned area from satellite Earth observation E Chuvieco, F Mouillot, GR Van der Werf, J San Miguel, M Tanase, ... Remote Sensing of Environment 225, 45-64, 2019 | 489 | 2019 |
Combining NDVI and surface temperature for the estimation of live fuel moisture content in forest fire danger rating E Chuvieco, D Cocero, D Riano, P Martin, J Martınez-Vega, J De La Riva, ... Remote Sensing of Environment 92 (3), 322-331, 2004 | 487 | 2004 |
The ESA climate change initiative: Satellite data records for essential climate variables R Hollmann, CJ Merchant, R Saunders, C Downy, M Buchwitz, ... Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94 (10), 1541-1552, 2013 | 473 | 2013 |
Estimating biomass carbon stocks for a Mediterranean forest in central Spain using LiDAR height and intensity data M García, D Riaño, E Chuvieco, FM Danson Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (4), 816-830, 2010 | 471 | 2010 |
Global characterization of fire activity: toward defining fire regimes from Earth observation data E Chuvieco, L Giglio, C Justice Global change biology 14 (7), 1488-1502, 2008 | 465 | 2008 |
A global review of remote sensing of live fuel moisture content for fire danger assessment: Moving towards operational products M Yebra, PE Dennison, E Chuvieco, D Riaño, P Zylstra, ER Hunt Jr, ... Remote Sensing of Environment 136, 455-468, 2013 | 402 | 2013 |
Development of a Sentinel-2 burned area algorithm: Generation of a small fire database for sub-Saharan Africa E Roteta, A Bastarrika, M Padilla, T Storm, E Chuvieco Remote sensing of environment 222, 1-17, 2019 | 398 | 2019 |
Modeling airborne laser scanning data for the spatial generation of critical forest parameters in fire behavior modeling D Riano, E Meier, B Allgöwer, E Chuvieco, SL Ustin Remote sensing of Environment 86 (2), 177-186, 2003 | 386 | 2003 |
Estimation of fuel moisture content from multitemporal analysis of Landsat Thematic Mapper reflectance data: applications in fire danger assessment E Chuvieco, D Riaño, I Aguado, D Cocero International journal of remote sensing 23 (11), 2145-2162, 2002 | 374 | 2002 |
Estimation of leaf area index and covered ground from airborne laser scanner (Lidar) in two contrasting forests D Riaño, F Valladares, S Condés, E Chuvieco Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 124 (3-4), 269-275, 2004 | 363 | 2004 |
Mapping burned areas from Landsat TM/ETM+ data with a two-phase algorithm: Balancing omission and commission errors A Bastarrika, E Chuvieco, MP Martín Remote sensing of Environment 115 (4), 1003-1012, 2011 | 352 | 2011 |
Mapping the spatial distribution of forest fire danger using GIS E Chuvieco, J Salas International Journal of Geographical Information Science 10 (3), 333-345, 1996 | 330 | 1996 |