Elisa Fusco
Elisa Fusco
University of Florence - Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications "G. Parenti"
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Cited by
Spatial stochastic frontier models: controlling spatial global and local heterogeneity
E Fusco, F Vidoli
International Review of Applied Economics 27 (5), 679-694, 2013
Enhancing non-compensatory composite indicators: a directional proposal
E Fusco
European Journal of Operational Research 242 (2), 620-630, 2015
Non-compensability in composite indicators: a robust directional frontier method
F Vidoli, E Fusco, C Mazziotta
Social Indicators Research 122 (3), 635-652, 2015
Spatial heterogeneity in composite indicator: A methodological proposal
E Fusco, F Vidoli, BK Sahoo
Omega 77, 1-14, 2018
Spatial nonstationarity in the stochastic frontier model: An application to the Italian wine industry
F Vidoli, C Cardillo, E Fusco, J Canello
Regional Science and Urban Economics 61, 153-164, 2016
Spatial directional robust Benefit of the Doubt approach in presence of undesirable output: An application to Italian waste sector
E Fusco, F Vidoli, N Rogge
Omega 94, 102053, 2020
The role of spatial interdependence in local government cost efficiency: An application to waste Italian sector
E Fusco, V Allegrini
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 69, 100681, 2020
Level of services, spatial dependence and allocative efficiency in local governments
F Vidoli, E Fusco
Local Government Studies 44 (6), 848-873, 2018
Potential improvements approach in composite indicators construction: The Multi-directional Benefit of the Doubt model
E Fusco
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 85, 101447, 2023
Estimating technical efficiency in the Italian Municipalities
C Settimi, F Vidoli, E Fusco, D Ballanti
Procedia Economics and Finance 17, 131-137, 2014
Compind: Composite indicators functions based on frontiers in R (Compind package version 2.0)
F Vidoli, E Fusco
Harnessing spatial heterogeneity in composite indicators through the ordered geographically weighted averaging (OGWA) Operator
E Fusco, MP Libório, H Rabiei‐Dastjerdi, F Vidoli, C Brunsdon, PI Ekel
Geographical Analysis 56 (3), 530-553, 2024
New developments in frontier models for objective assessments
E Fusco
Università degli Studi di Roma" La Sapienza", 2017
Length of Trials in the Italian Judicial System: An Efficiency Analysis by Macro-Area
E Fusco, M Laurenzi, B Maggi
Justice System Journal 42 (1), 78-105, 2021
Spatial Stochastic frontier models: Instructions for use
E Fusco, F Vidoli
Vignette R Package Version 1, 2015
ssfa: spatial stochastic frontier analysis. R package version 1.1
E Fusco, F Vidoli
Compind: Composite indicators functions based on frontiers in R
F Vidoli, E Fusco
R package version, 2018
Stochastic frontier estimation through parametric modelling of quantile regression coefficients
E Fusco, R Benedetti, F Vidoli
Empirical Economics 64 (2), 869-896, 2023
Alternative indicators for the evaluation of renewables in Europe: An efficiency approach
E Fusco, B Maggi, L Rizzuto
Renewable Energy, 2022
Computing nonperforming loan prices in banking efficiency analysis
E Fusco, B Maggi
Computational Management Science 19 (1), 1-23, 2022
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Articles 1–20