Jannik Haas
Jannik Haas
Sustainable Energy Research Group (SERG), University of Canterbury, New Zealand
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How much electrical energy storage do we need? A synthesis for the US, Europe, and Germany
F Cebulla, J Haas, J Eichman, W Nowak, P Mancarella
Journal of Cleaner Production 181, 449-459, 2018
Challenges and trends of energy storage expansion planning for flexibility provision in low-carbon power systems – a review
J Haas, F Cebulla, KK Cao, W Nowak, R Palma-Benhke, C Rahmann, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017
Floating photovoltaic plants: Ecological impacts versus hydropower operation flexibility
J Haas, J Khalighi, A De La Fuente, SU Gerbersdorf, W Nowak, PJ Chen
Energy Conversion and Management 206, 112414, 2020
Plummeting costs of renewables-are energy scenarios lagging?
M Xiao, T Junne, J Haas, M Klein
Energy Strategy Reviews 35, 100636, 2021
A multi-service approach for planning the optimal mix of energy storage technologies in a fully-renewable power supply
J Haas, F Cebulla, W Nowak, C Rahmann, R Palma-Behnke
Energy Conversion and Management 178, 355-368, 2018
Simulating the energy yield of a bifacial photovoltaic power plant
D Chudinzow, J Haas, G Díaz-Ferrán, S Moreno-Leiva, L Eltrop
Solar Energy 183, 812-822, 2019
Sunset or sunrise? Understanding the barriers and options for the massive deployment of solar technologies in Chile
J Haas, R Palma-Behnke, F Valencia, P Araya, G Díaz-Ferrán, T Telsnig, ...
Energy Policy 112, 399-414, 2018
Mitigation control against partial shading effects in large-scale PV power plants
C Rahmann, V Vittal, J Ascui, J Haas
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 7 (1), 173-180, 2015
Integrating photovoltaic solar energy and a battery energy storage system to operate a semi-autogenous grinding mill
G Pamparana, W Kracht, J Haas, G Díaz-Ferrán, R Palma-Behnke, ...
Journal of cleaner production 165, 273-280, 2017
Renewable energy in copper production: A review on systems design and methodological approaches
S Moreno-Leiva, J Haas, T Junne, F Valencia, H Godin, W Kracht, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 246, 118978, 2020
Towards solar power supply for copper production in Chile: Assessment of global warming potential using a life-cycle approach
S Moreno-Leiva, G Díaz-Ferrán, J Haas, T Telsnig, FA Díaz-Alvarado, ...
Journal of cleaner production 164, 242-249, 2017
Copper mining: 100% solar electricity by 2030?
J Haas, S Moreno-Leiva, T Junne, PJ Chen, G Pamparana, W Nowak, ...
Applied Energy 262, 114506, 2020
A framework to identify Pareto‐efficient subdaily environmental flow constraints on hydropower reservoirs using a grid‐wide power dispatch model
MA Olivares, J Haas, R Palma‐Behnke, C Benavides
Water Resources Research 51 (5), 3664-3680, 2015
Multi-objective planning of energy storage technologies for a fully renewable system: Implications for the main stakeholders in Chile
J Haas, W Nowak, R Palma-Behnke
Energy Policy 126, 494-506, 2019
Grid-wide subdaily hydrologic alteration under massive wind power penetration in Chile
J Haas, MA Olivares, R Palma-Behnke
Journal of environmental management 154, 183-189, 2015
A new solution to mitigate hydropeaking? Batteries versus re-regulation reservoirs
Y Anindito, J Haas, M Olivares, W Nowak, J Kern
Journal of Cleaner Production 210, 477-489, 2019
Revisiting the potential of pumped-hydro energy storage: A method to detect economically attractive sites
J Haas, L Prieto-Miranda, N Ghorbani, C Breyer
Renewable Energy 181, 182-193, 2022
Optimization of a SAG mill energy system: Integrating rock hardness, solar irradiation, climate change, and demand-side management
JM Ortiz, W Kracht, G Pamparana, J Haas
Mathematical Geosciences 52, 355-379, 2020
Development of an irradiance-based weather derivative to hedge cloud risk for solar energy systems
CFH Boyle, J Haas, JD Kern
Renewable Energy 164, 1230-1243, 2021
To Prevent or Promote Grid Expansion? Analyzing the Future Role of Power Transmission in the European Energy System
KK Cao, T Pregger, J Haas, H Lens
Frontiers in Energy Research 8, 371, 2021
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