Shih-Gu Huang
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Zitiert von
STFT with adaptive window width based on the chirp rate
SC Pei, SG Huang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (8), 4065-4080, 2012
Improvement of active interference cancellation: avoidance technique for OFDM cognitive radio
SG Huang, CH Hwang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (12), 5928-5937, 2009
Wavelet for image fusion
SG Huang
Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering and Department of Electrical …, 2010
Fast discrete linear canonical transform based on CM-CC-CM decomposition and FFT
SC Pei, SG Huang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (4), 855-866, 2015
Spatio-temporal directed acyclic graph learning with attention mechanisms on brain functional time series and connectivity
SG Huang, J Xia, L Xu, A Qiu
Medical Image Analysis 77, 102370, 2022
Statistical inference on the number of cycles in brain networks
MK Chung, SG Huang, A Gritsenko, L Shen, H Lee
2019 IEEE 16th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI 2019 …, 2019
Fast polynomial approximation of heat kernel convolution on manifolds and its application to brain sulcal and gyral graph pattern analysis
SG Huang, I Lyu, A Qiu, MK Chung
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 39 (6), 2201-2212, 2020
Statistical model for dynamically-changing correlation matrices with application to brain connectivity
SG Huang, SB Samdin, CM Ting, H Ombao, MK Chung
Journal of neuroscience methods 331, 108480, 2020
Rapid acceleration of the permutation test via transpositions
MK Chung, L Xie, SG Huang, Y Wang, J Yan, L Shen
Connectomics in NeuroImaging: Third International Workshop, CNI 2019, Held …, 2019
Two-dimensional nonseparable discrete linear canonical transform based on CM-CC-CM-CC decomposition
SC Pei, SG Huang
JOSA A 33 (2), 214-227, 2016
Low complexity active interference cancellation for OFDM cognitive radios
SG Huang, CH Hwang
2008 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1279-1283, 2008
Reversible joint Hilbert and linear canonical transform without distortion
SC Pei, SG Huang
IEEE transactions on signal processing 61 (19), 4768-4781, 2013
Fast mesh data augmentation via Chebyshev polynomial of spectral filtering
SG Huang, MK Chung, A Qiu, ...
Neural Networks 143, 198-208, 2021
Revisiting convolutional neural network on graphs with polynomial approximations of Laplace–Beltrami spectral filtering
SG Huang, MK Chung, A Qiu, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 33, 13693-13704, 2021
Adaptive STFT with chirp-modulated Gaussian window
SC Pei, SG Huang
2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2018
2-D Laguerre distributed approximating functional: A circular low-pass/band-pass filter
SC Pei, SG Huang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 66 (5), 818-822, 2019
Dynamic Connectivity without Sliding Windows
SG Huang, MK Chung, IC Carroll, HH Goldsmith
arXiv, 2019
Discrete gyrator transforms: computational algorithms and applications
SC Pei, SG Huang, JJ Ding
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (16), 4207-4222, 2015
Dynamic functional connectivity using heat kernel
SG Huang, MK Chung, IC Carroll, HH Goldsmith
2019 IEEE Data Science Workshop (DSW), 222-226, 2019
Fast and accurate computation of normalized Bargmann transform
SC Pei, SG Huang
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 34 (1), 18-26, 2016
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