Jan Philip Solovej
Jan Philip Solovej
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The mathematics of the Bose gas and its condensation
EH Lieb, R Seiringer, JP Solovej, J Yngvason
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
Generalized Hartree-Fock theory and the Hubbard model
V Bach, EH Lieb, JP Solovej
Journal of statistical physics 76, 3-89, 1994
Bogoliubov spectrum of interacting Bose gases
M Lewin, PT Nam, S Serfaty, JP Solovej
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 68 (3), 413-471, 2015
Asymptotics of heavy atoms in high magnetic fields: II. Semiclassical regions
EH Lieb, JP Solovej, J Yngvason
Communications in mathematical physics 161 (1), 77-124, 1994
Proof of the ionization conjecture in a reduced Hartree-Fock model
JP Solovej
Inventiones mathematicae 104 (1), 291-311, 1991
Stability of matter in magnetic fields
EH Lieb, M Loss, JP Solovej
The Stability of Matter: From Atoms to Stars: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb …, 1997
The BCS functional for general pair interactions
C Hainzl, E Hamza, R Seiringer, JP Solovej
Communications in mathematical physics 281, 349-367, 2008
There are no unfilled shells in unrestricted Hartree-Fock theory
V Bach, EH Lieb, M Loss, JP Solovej
The Stability of Matter: From Atoms to Stars: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb …, 1997
Bose-Einstein quantum phase transition in an optical lattice model
M Aizenman, EH Lieb, R Seiringer, JP Solovej, J Yngvason
Condensed Matter Physics and Exactly Soluble Models: Selecta of Elliott H …, 2004
Ground states of large quantum dots in magnetic fields
EH Lieb, JP Solovej, J Yngvason
The Stability of Matter: From Atoms to Stars: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb …, 2001
Ground state energy of the two-component charged Bose gas
EH Lieb, JP Solovej
Communications in mathematical physics 252, 485-534, 2004
Asymptotics of heavy atoms in high magnetic fields: I. Lowest Landau band regions
EH Lieb, JP Solovej, J Yngvason
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 47 (4), 513-591, 1994
A correlation estimate with applications to quantum systems with Coulomb interactions
GM Graf, JP Solovej
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 6 (05a), 977-997, 1994
Ground state energy of the one-component charged Bose gas
EH Lieb, JP Solovej
Communications in Mathematical Physics 217 (1), 127-163, 2001
The energy of dilute Bose gases
S Fournais, JP Solovej
Ann. Math 192 (3), 893-976, 2020
Heavy atoms in the strong magnetic field of a neutron star
EH Lieb, JP Solovej, J Yngvason
Physical review letters 69 (5), 749, 1992
The mean‐field approximation in quantum electrodynamics: The no‐photon case
C Hainzl, M Lewin, JP Solovej
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2007
The ionization conjecture in Hartree-Fock theory
JP Solovej
Annals of mathematics, 509-576, 2003
Many body quantum mechanics
JP Solovej
Lecture Notes. Summer, 2007
Stability and instability of relativistic electrons in classical electromagnetic fields
EH Lieb, H Siedentop, JP Solovej
Journal of statistical physics 89, 37-59, 1997
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