Christian Leuprecht
Christian Leuprecht
Class of 1965 Distinguished Professor in Leadership, Royal Military College of Canada
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Containing the narrative: Strategy and tactics in countering the storyline of global jihad
C Leuprecht, T Hataley, S Moskalenko, C McCauley
Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism 5 (1), 42-57, 2010
Beyond the Castle Model of cyber-risk and cyber-security
C Leuprecht, DB Skillicorn, VE Tait
Government Information Quarterly 33 (2), 250-257, 2016
Winning the battle but losing the war? Narrative and counter-narratives strategy
C Leuprecht, T Hataley, S Moskalenko, C McCauley
Perspectives on Terrorism 3 (2), 25-35, 2009
Determinants of cross-border cooperation
T Hataley, C Leuprecht
Journal of Borderlands Studies 33 (3), 317-328, 2018
Defense Policy “Walmart Style” Canadian Lessons in “not-so-grand” Grand Strategy
C Leuprecht, JJ Sokolsky
Armed Forces & Society 41 (3), 541-562, 2014
Virtual money laundering: policy implications of the proliferation in the illicit use of cryptocurrency
C Leuprecht, C Jenkins, R Hamilton
Journal of Financial Crime 30 (4), 1036-1054, 2023
Spheres of governance: Comparative studies of cities in multilevel governance systems
H Lazar, C Leuprecht
McGill-Queen's University Press, 2007
Diverse perspectives on interdisciplinarity from Members of the College of the Royal Society of Canada
SJ Cooke, VM Nguyen, D Anastakis, SD Scott, MR Turetsky, A Amirfazli, ...
Facets 5 (1), 138-165, 2020
Narratives and counter-narratives for global jihad: Opinion versus action
C Leuprecht, T Hataley, S Moskalenko, C McCauley
Countering violent extremist narratives, 58-71, 2010
Hezbollah’s global tentacles: A relational approach to convergence with transnational organized crime
C Leuprecht, O Walther, DB Skillicorn, H Ryde-Collins
Terrorism and Political Violence 29 (5), 902-921, 2017
The demographic security dilemma
C Leuprecht
Yale Journal of International Affairs 5 (2), 60-74, 2010
Mapping and deterring violent extremist networks in North-West Africa
O Walther, C Leuprecht
Department of Border Region Studies Working Paper 4, 15, 2015
The puzzling resilience of transnational organized criminal networks
C Leuprecht, A Aulthouse, O Walther
Police Practice and Research 17 (4), 376-387, 2016
Municipal-federal-provincial relations in Canada
R Young, C Leuprecht
Montreal: McGill-Queens, 406, 2004
The Tory Fragment in Canada: Endangered Species?
C Leuprecht
Canadian Journal of Political Science 36 (2), 401-416, 2003
The Damoclean sword of offensive cyber: Policy uncertainty and collective insecurity
C Leuprecht, J Szeman, DB Skillicorn
Contemporary Security Policy 40 (3), 382-407, 2019
The Blue Line Or the Bottom Line of Police Services in Canada?: Arresting Runaway Growth in Costs
C Leuprecht
Macdonald Laurier Institute, 2014
Europe Without Soldiers? Recruitment and Retention across the Armed Forces of Europe
TS Tresch, C Leuprecht
McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010
Political fragmentation and alliances among armed non-state actors in North and Western Africa (1997–2014)
O Walther, C Leuprecht, DB Skillicorn
Terrorism and Political Violence 32 (1), 167-186, 2020
Homegrown Islamist Radicalization in Canada: Process Insights from an Attitudinal Survey
DB Skillicorn, C Leuprecht, C Winn
Canadian Journal of Political Science 45 (4), 929-956, 2012
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