Valentin Walther
Valentin Walther
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Giant optical nonlinearities from Rydberg excitons in semiconductor microcavities
V Walther, R Johne, T Pohl
Nature communications 9 (1), 1309, 2018
Enhanced nonlinear interaction of polaritons via excitonic Rydberg states in monolayer WSe2
J Gu, V Walther, L Waldecker, D Rhodes, A Raja, JC Hone, TF Heinz, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2269, 2021
Quantum gas microscopy of Rydberg macrodimers
S Hollerith, J Zeiher, J Rui, A Rubio-Abadal, V Walther, T Pohl, ...
Science 364 (6441), 664-667, 2019
Realizing distance-selective interactions in a Rydberg-dressed atom array
S Hollerith, K Srakaew, D Wei, A Rubio-Abadal, D Adler, P Weckesser, ...
Physical Review Letters 128 (11), 113602, 2022
Interactions between Rydberg excitons in
V Walther, SO Krüger, S Scheel, T Pohl
Physical Review B 98 (16), 165201, 2018
Photon-photon interactions in Rydberg-atom arrays
L Zhang, V Walther, K Mølmer, T Pohl
Quantum 6, 674, 2022
Long-range interactions and symmetry breaking in quantum gases through optical feedback
YC Zhang, V Walther, T Pohl
Physical review letters 121 (7), 073604, 2018
Rydberg exciton–polaritons in a Cu2O microcavity
K Orfanakis, SK Rajendran, V Walther, T Volz, T Pohl, H Ohadi
Nature Materials 21 (7), 767-772, 2022
Photon control and coherent interactions via lattice dark states in atomic arrays
O Rubies-Bigorda, V Walther, TL Patti, SF Yelin
Physical Review Research 4 (1), 013110, 2022
Asymmetric Rydberg blockade of giant excitons in Cuprous Oxide
J Heckötter, V Walther, S Scheel, M Bayer, T Pohl, M Aßmann
Nature communications 12 (1), 3556, 2021
Communication: Maximum caliber is a general variational principle for nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
MJ Hazoglou, V Walther, PD Dixit, KA Dill
The Journal of Chemical Physics 143 (5), 2015
Microwave-optical coupling via Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide
LAP Gallagher, JP Rogers, JD Pritchett, RA Mistry, D Pizzey, CS Adams, ...
Physical Review Research 4 (1), 013031, 2022
Controlling exciton-phonon interactions via electromagnetically induced transparency
V Walther, P Grünwald, T Pohl
Physical Review Letters 125 (17), 173601, 2020
Self-bound droplet clusters in laser-driven Bose-Einstein condensates
YC Zhang, V Walther, T Pohl
Physical Review A 103 (2), 023308, 2021
Plasma-Enhanced Interaction and Optical Nonlinearities of Rydberg Excitons
V Walther, T Pohl
Physical Review Letters 125 (9), 097401, 2020
Simulation of many-body dynamics using Rydberg excitons
J Taylor, S Goswami, V Walther, M Spanner, C Simon, K Heshami
Quantum Science and Technology 7 (3), 035016, 2022
Superradiant and subradiant states in lifetime-limited organic molecules through laser-induced tuning
CM Lange, E Daggett, V Walther, L Huang, JD Hood
Nature Physics, 1-7, 2024
Blockade-induced resonant enhancement of the optical nonlinearity in a Rydberg medium
A Tebben, C Hainaut, V Walther, YC Zhang, G Zürn, T Pohl, ...
Physical Review A 100 (6), 063812, 2019
Attractor metadynamics in adapting neural networks
C Gros, M Linkerhand, V Walther
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2014: 24th …, 2014
Nonclassical light from finite-range interactions in a two-dimensional quantum mirror
V Walther, L Zhang, SF Yelin, T Pohl
Physical Review B 105 (7), 075307, 2022
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