Chris Kreucher
Chris Kreucher
Senior Technical Fellow, KBR
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Sensor management using an active sensing approach
C Kreucher, K Kastella, AO Hero Iii
Signal Processing 85 (3), 607-624, 2005
Multitarget tracking using the joint multitarget probability density
C Kreucher, K Kastella, AO Hero
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 41 (4), 1396-1414, 2005
LANA: a lane extraction algorithm that uses frequency domain features
C Kreucher, S Lakshmanan
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and automation 15 (2), 343-350, 1999
A Bayesian approach to multiple target detection and tracking
MR Morelande, CM Kreucher, K Kastella
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (5), 1589-1604, 2007
An information-based approach to sensor management in large dynamic networks
CM Kreucher, AO Hero, KD Kastella, MR Morelande
The Proceedings of the IEEE 95 (5), 978-999, 2007
A driver warning system based on the LOIS lane detection algorithm
C Kreucher, S Lakshmanan, K Kluge
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on intelligent vehicles 1 …, 1998
Partially observable Markov decision process approximations for adaptive sensing
EKP Chong, CM Kreucher, AO Hero III
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 19 (3), 377-422, 2009
A comparison of task driven and information driven sensor management for target tracking
C Kreucher, AO Hero, K Kastella
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4004-4009, 2005
Modern approaches in deep learning for SAR ATR
M Wilmanski, C Kreucher, J Lauer
Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Symposium 9843, 195-204, 2016
Information theoretic approaches to sensor management
AO Hero III, CM Kreucher, D Blatt
Foundations and applications of sensor management, Chapter 3, Pages 33-57, 2008
Information-based sensor management for multitarget tracking
CM Kreucher, KD Kastella, AO Hero III
Proceedings of SPIE Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 5204, 480-489, 2003
Efficient methods of non-myopic sensor management for multitarget tracking
C Kreucher, AO Hero, K Kastella, D Chang
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1, 722-727, 2004
Multi-target sensor management using alpha-divergence measures
C Kreucher, K Kastella, AO Hero
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing in …, 2003
Tracking multiple targets using a particle filter representation of the joint multitarget probability density
CM Kreucher, KD Kastella, AO Hero III
Proceedings of SPIE Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 5204, 258-269, 2003
Multitarget detection and tracking using multisensor passive acoustic data
C Kreucher, B Shapo
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 36 (2), 205-218, 2011
Complex input convolutional neural networks for wide angle SAR ATR
M Wilmanski, C Kreucher, A Hero
Proceedings of the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information …, 2016
Adaptive multi-modality sensor scheduling for detection and tracking of smart targets
C Kreucher, D Blatt, A Hero, K Kastella
Digital Signal Processing 16 (5), 546-567, 2006
Comparison of particle method and finite difference nonlinear filters for low SNR target tracking
S Musick, J Greenewald, C Kreucher, K Kastella
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Fusion, 2001
Multiple model nonlinear filtering for low signal ground target applications
K Kastella, C Kreucher
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 41 (2), 549-564, 2005
POMDP approximation using simulation and heuristics
EKP Chong, CM Kreucher, AO Hero III
Foundations and Applications of Sensor Management, Chapter 5, Pages 95-119, 2008
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