Marie-Liesse Cauwet
Marie-Liesse Cauwet
Mines Saint-Etienne, France
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Cited by
Evolution strategies with additive noise: A convergence rate lower bound
S Astete-Morales, ML Cauwet, O Teytaud
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms …, 2015
Algorithm portfolios for noisy optimization
ML Cauwet, J Liu, B Rozière, O Teytaud
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 76, 143-172, 2016
Algorithm portfolios for noisy optimization: Compare solvers early
ML Cauwet, J Liu, O Teytaud
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 8th International Conference, Lion 8 …, 2014
Fully parallel hyperparameter search: Reshaped space-filling
ML Cauwet, C Couprie, J Dehos, P Luc, J Rapin, M Riviere, F Teytaud, ...
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1338-1348, 2020
Simple and cumulative regret for continuous noisy optimization
S Astete-Morales, ML Cauwet, J Liu, O Teytaud
Theoretical Computer Science 617, 12-27, 2016
Static vs dynamic FRR sizing for power systems with increasing amounts of renewables
ML Cauwet, E Karangelos, L Wehenkel, B Georis
2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, 1-6, 2019
Analysis of different types of regret in continuous noisy optimization
S Astete-Morales, ML Cauwet, O Teytaud
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2016, 205-212, 2016
Noisy optimization: Fast convergence rates with comparison-based algorithms
ML Cauwet, O Teytaud
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2016 …, 2016
Noisy optimization: Convergence with a fixed number of resamplings
ML Cauwet
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 17th European Conference …, 2014
Depth, balancing, and limits of the Elo model
ML Cauwet, O Teytaud, T Cazenave, A Saffidine, HM Liang, SJ Yen, ...
2015 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), 376-382, 2015
Population control meets doob's martingale theorems: the noise-free multimodal case
ML Cauwet, O Teytaud
Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference …, 2020
Openly revisiting derivative-free optimization
J Rapin, P Dorval, J Pondard, N Vasilache, ML Cauwet, C Couprie, ...
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion …, 2019
Multivariate bias reduction in capacity expansion planning
ML Cauwet, O Teytaud
2016 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), 1-8, 2016
Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms Performing Pairwise Comparisons
ML Cauwet, O Teytaud, SY Chiu, KM Lin, SJ Yen, DL St-Pierre, F Teytaud
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms …, 2015
Direct Model Predictive Control: A Theoretical and Numerical Analysis
ML Cauwet, J Decock, J Liu, O Teytaud
PSCC 2018-XX Power Systems Computation Conference, 2018
Uncertainties in Optimization
ML Cauwet
Université Paris Saclay (COmUE), 2016
Criteria and convergence rates in noisy optimization
S Astete-Morales, ML Cauwet, O Teytaud
Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 Annual Conference on …, 2015
Mixed global optimization by algorithms composition: an empirical study with a focus on Bayesian approaches
ML Cauwet, R Le Riche, O Roustant
30th European conference on operational research, EURO2019, 2019
Surprising strategies obtained by stochastic optimization in partially observable games
ML Cauwet, O Teytaud
2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1-8, 2018
Noisy black-box optimization
ML Cauwet
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Articles 1–20