Edward Tremel
Edward Tremel
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Augusta University
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Derecho: Fast state machine replication for cloud services
S Jha, J Behrens, T Gkountouvas, M Milano, W Song, E Tremel, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS) 36 (2), 1-49, 2019
Building a secure and privacy-preserving smart grid
K Birman, M Jelasity, R Kleinberg, E Tremel
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 49 (1), 131-136, 2015
Real-world performance of cryptographic accumulators
E Tremel
Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Brown University 78, 2013
RDMC: A reliable RDMA multicast for large objects
J Behrens, S Jha, K Birman, E Tremel
2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2018
Derecho: Group communication at the speed of light
J Behrens, K Birman, S Jha, M Milano, E Tremel, E Bagdasaryan, ...
Technical Report. Cornell University, 2016
Reliable, efficient recovery for complex services with replicated subsystems
E Tremel, S Jha, W Song, D Chu, K Birman
2020 50th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2020
Anonymous, fault-tolerant distributed queries for smart devices
E Tremel, K Birman, R Kleinberg, M Jelasity
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 3 (2), 1-29, 2018
Groups, Subgroups and Auto-Sharding in Derecho: A Customizable RDMA Framework for Highly Available Cloud Services
K Birman, J Behrens, S Jha, M Milano, E Tremel, R Van Renesse
Submitted to NSDI ‘17, 2016
Building smart memories and high-speed cloud services for the internet of things with derecho
S Jha, J Behrens, T Gkountouvas, M Milano, W Song, E Tremel, S Zink, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 Symposium on Cloud Computing, 632-632, 2017
Pushing Bytes: Cloud Scale Big-Data Replication with RDMC
J Behrens, K Birman, S Jha, E Tremel
Cornell University, Department of Computer Science, http://www. cs. cornell …, 2016
Cascade: A Platform for Delay-Sensitive Edge Intelligence
W Song, T Garrett, Y Yang, M Liu, E Tremel, L Rosa, A Merlina, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.17329, 2023
Monotonicity and opportunistically-batched actions in Derecho
K Birman, S Jha, M Milano, L Rosa, W Song, E Tremel
International Symposium on Stabilizing, Safety, and Security of Distributed …, 2023
Building Smart Memories and Cloud Services with Derecho
S Jha, J Behrens, T Gkountouvas, M Milano, W Song, E Tremel, S Zink, ...
Technical Report, 2017
Pushing Bytes: Cloud-Scale Data Replication with RDMC
J Behrens, S Jha, E Tremel, K Birman
Dependable Systems for Managing Valuable Data
EJ Tremel
Cornell University, 2020
Derecho’s Extensible, Intelligent Object Store
W Song, M Milano, S Jha, E Tremel, X Yang, K Birman
Anonymous Data Collection for the Smart Grid
E Tremel, K Birman, B Kleinberg, M Jelasity
A Private Framework for Distributed Computation
E Tremel, K Birman, R Kleinberg, M Jelasity
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