Andras Gyorgy
Andras Gyorgy
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Online learning under delayed feedback
P Joulani, A Gyorgy, C Szepesvári
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1453-1461, 2013
Average age of information with hybrid ARQ under a resource constraint
ET Ceran, D Gündüz, A György
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (3), 1900-1913, 2019
Degenerate feedback loops in recommender systems
R Jiang, S Chiappa, T Lattimore, A György, P Kohli
Proceedings of the 2019 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 383-390, 2019
Online Markov decision processes under bandit feedback
G Neu, A Antos, A György, C Szepesvári
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23, 2010
Detection of adversarial training examples in poisoning attacks through anomaly detection
A Paudice, L Muñoz-González, A Gyorgy, EC Lupu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.03041, 2018
The On-Line Shortest Path Problem Under Partial Monitoring.
A György, T Linder, G Lugosi, G Ottucsák
Journal of Machine Learning Research 8 (10), 2007
A reinforcement-learning approach to proactive caching in wireless networks
SO Somuyiwa, A György, D Gündüz
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (6), 1331-1344, 2018
Meta-learning of sequential strategies
PA Ortega, JX Wang, M Rowland, T Genewein, Z Kurth-Nelson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.03030, 2019
The adversarial stochastic shortest path problem with unknown transition probabilities
G Neu, A Gyorgy, C Szepesvári
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 805-813, 2012
On the structure of optimal entropy-constrained scalar quantizers
A Gyorgy, T Linder
IEEE transactions on information theory 48 (2), 416-427, 2002
Efficient multi-start strategies for local search algorithms
A György, L Kocsis
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 41, 407-444, 2011
Online learning in Markov decision processes with changing cost sequences
T Dick, A Gyorgy, C Szepesvari
International Conference on Machine Learning, 512-520, 2014
Optimal entropy-constrained scalar quantization of a uniform source
A Gyorgy, T Linder
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46 (7), 2704-2711, 2000
High-dimensional random geometric graphs and their clique number
L Devroye, A György, G Lugosi, F Udina
Electronic Journal of Probability 16, 2481-2508, 2011
The Online Loop-free Stochastic Shortest-Path Problem.
G Neu, A György, C Szepesvári
COLT 2010, 231-243, 2010
Efficient tracking of large classes of experts
A Gyorgy, T Linder, G Lugosi
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58 (11), 6709-6725, 2012
On the role of neural collapse in transfer learning
T Galanti, A György, M Hutter
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.15121, 2021
A reinforcement learning approach to age of information in multi-user networks with HARQ
ET Ceran, D Gündüz, A György
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 39 (5), 1412-1426, 2021
Reinforcement learning to minimize age of information with an energy harvesting sensor with HARQ and sensing cost
ET Ceran, D Gündüz, A György
IEEE INFOCOM 2019-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops …, 2019
The best defense is a good offense: Adversarial attacks to avoid modulation detection
MZ Hameed, A György, D Gündüz
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16, 1074-1087, 2020
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